
The truth behind my absence

I've been away for quite some time. It's because I've been working really hard and I've been sorting out my room, cleaning stuff, throwing things away and today I've finished my workspace.
My dad helped me putting up the bookshelf and I put on the lights under it and hid the cables.
The thought behind my workspace is to be able to put things away with less effort, like if I want to study or write I should be able to put up my sewing machine on the shelf or if I'll be making something I can just put up my computer or hide it on top of my make up drawer.
All that's missing is my make up mirror with lights but shit so expensive I have to wait a little longer. Other than that It's finished. (and oh ignore the IKEA bags with books, I'll be taking them down into our storage room tomorrow or the day after that) I'll make a vlog when my room is completely finished so you can see the complete look of my room!


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