
Plump lips and my vertical labret

Hi guys! I watched a video a few days ago on how to get plump lips. I know most would like to have lips like Angelina Jolie all plump and juicy, I'm one of them.
There's this girl on youtube talking about how to get them by using a toothbrush and vaseline by just brushing them. It's like exfoliating your lips and getting that blood circulation going. So I thought to myself " the heck" why not? So I went to the pharmacy and got myself some baby toothbrushes (we've got sensitive skin on our faces so why not be nice extra nice to our precious lips?) and vaseline.
Now I've got some extra in case a ..baby.. or two want the spend the night... welcome to daycare Ritzy we even provide your kids with their very own toothbrush.
Anyway I tried it out and it didn't do much for me.
I tried to take a decent after picture but I'm one of those lovely persons who like to live in the dark and dim light so the picture didn't turn out as good as I hoped, but it will have to do. I did some editing to blur away a few blemishes I had.
About the ''treatment'' I didn't notice much of a difference. However, it's a great exfoliation, get that blood pumping and getting rid of all the dead skin. Especially since I have my vertical labret it tends to get really dry around the piercing but no I wouldn't say it helped. 
Here's my ''after'' picture 
If you look really close you can see the scar from my off side labret I had several years ago, it's so small it just looks like a tiny dimple.
I didn't take a before picture but I have an old picture of my lips in their natural state:  
I think my after picture looks a bit more ''swollen'' from the treatment and a lot jucier because of the vaseline. 
Here's another picture of my vertical labret. I really love my piercing and it's a huge part of me. 


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