
My kind of men

So I wanted to talk to you guys about men.
Since I've always been a kind of tomboy my life, I love video games and testosterone kind of movies with a lot of action and guns going on.
My heroes: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, Bruce Willis, Jackie Chan, Jet Lee, Jason Statham etc.
(Yeah I know I just recited pretty much all of the actors from expendibles, but there's a reason for them to be in that movie in the first place)
I seriously get gag reflexes whenever I think of that dude from pretty woman (Richard Gere?) or Hugh Grant.

I have a brother and we've spent a lot of time doing things with my father, like fishing and building/crafting stuff at our grandmas summer house, and we always watched the movies my father liked. So I grew found of those movies and the actors. I never understood the whole reading gossip magazines and giggling about cute boys.
I've never been much of a girlygirl. So when it comes to boys, I guess I want a man that looks and acts like a man. I've never been much for the guy that looks very feminine.
I'm not saying I want this caveman type of guy who never shaves or take cares of his appearance, or with this old fashion attitude of women in kitchens. Cuz that's not what makes a man at all.
What I'm trying to say is that I'm quite boyish at times and I don't want to be the "boy" in the relationship, cuz believe it or not I do have my girlish moments as well and guess what I'm still a girl.
And no offense, but boys better not touch my make up.
If a guy wants to wear skin and hair products, that's great, but don't you dare touch my makeup. I'll stab your ass with a fork. If it's for costumes or a photoshoot that's cool, but like wearing mascara and foundation and whatnot like everyday, sorry that's just not my cup of tea.
What do you call it? metrosexual?
 And since the sun's on its way down, I'm going out for a while! Talk to you bitches later


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