
Archies girls new makeup by M.A.C

So I don't know about you guys but I find most news when I'm out shopping, I'm not browsing for upcoming news.
I'm a passive researcher, I let the news come to me ;)
So anyway, I went out shopping and browsing for some makeup and I found that M.A.C has this new collection called Archies girls.
I got super excited since I grew up with that comic.
I'm getting to that stage in life when I prefer the things I used to grow up with and I'm always referring to "the good old days" haha and I'm not even that old.
I think it's super cool that M.A.C decided to bring these guys back on the market. I really spent my entire childhood reading about Veronica and Betty and their struggle to get Archie to pick one of them.

It's now when I'm older that I find the comic kinda irritating.
To simply put it for you young ones, Veronica and Betty are two very different classed ladies. Betty is the blond one and she's from this working class family, and Veronica is the black haired upper class girl and gets pretty much everything she wants from her dad, neither less to say that money's no problem in her world.
I've always related to Betty because she's like me, easy going and she's working hard to get what she wants.
They both like Archie and Archie likes them both. What pisses me off is that he's dating both of them at the same time. Neither of them is fine with it, but they keep battling over him even though they're best friends.
I don't know what you think, but if a guy I like likes me back and my best friend, I'd have him make up his mind at some point. He can't keep dating us both when we clearly don't want to share him.
If it was me, I'd drop him almost right away, I don't want a man who can't make up his mind. And I'd like to know that he didn't have trouble picking me over some other girl. This guy clearly don't know who he wants, and I'm sorry but if you don't know if it's me you really want, I'd make it really easy for you and just take that option away from you.

So about the makeup;
I really like the colors of the makeup, It reminds me a bit of limecrimes, but I'm not at all happy with their choices of models. I really don't think they got the right models to fit the characters. It just feels wrong and totally off. If you've been a fan of the comics like I've been, you'd be disappointed too.
I'm glad they chose the original character design on the makeup otherwise I wouldn't want to buy it.
I'm sorry but I just wouldn't. No offense to the models, I bet they're lovely and all, but they're not suited for the characters.  


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