
Primark spring/summer 2013

Hi guys, guess what? I forgot to tell you something; I'm going to London next week and I'll be gone for 6 days or so.
Yaaay! I can't wait.
There's two things I'd really like to do, it's to
*Feed the squirrels
*Get a new wardrobe from Primark
Hopefully we'll be going to camden market too and find cheap shoes! I'm hoping that I'll find a pair of cheap white Dr Martens for this autumn and winter.
I'd like to take a new piercing from Cold steel, but I'm not just taking a piercing without any reason. And I'm not sure about taking tattoos or piercings in another country.
I went to London last year on my birthday and during that week we did practically anything you'd want to do in London. We went everywhere. I'm not kidding! I loved traveling by buss it was so much fun :D ( I know we have busses in Sweden too, but there's something about the red double deckers)
I hope it rains a lot this time too, I'm not a huge fan of warm weather!
I want to get myself a bubble umbrella! (Last time I couldn't find one)
Either way, I've spent a lot of time on youtube looking at primark hauls since they won't and don't show any of their clothes on their website. I found a few images on some random site and I really hope I can find them. These are the ones I've been looking at:

I need this once since it's my birth year! 
I'm not sure about these purple fish net socks. Have the designer even tried them on? I dislike fish net stockings, they hurt like hell to walk in, it's like walking on very hard strings/ropes. But I liked the color!
Have you been to primark recently? If you have, please show me! I'd like to know what they have and if there's something I should look for! :)


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