
The search continues


Hi guys, I'm sorry I've been off. As you know I've been sick, and just relaxing taking care of myself. But I haven't just been in bed, I've been looking for vlog music like crazy. I found a website which allows you to download and use their music It's mostly samples or random (excuse my language) junk, free stuff isn't always the best. Most of the things I found there's really... random. I haven't found anything yet that's catchy. Most of it sounds like some guy's trying to figure out how a music program works and just uploaded the improvisation for people like me with no time to make a song/songs or for those without talent.
Don't take me wrong, I think it's great that you can use others music for free but most of what I found it isn't that good so it feels like I'm wasting a lot of time.And I would have liked that there were more search options for various results like if we say I'd like a song with ukelele or a guitar I should be able to search for it. I've tried but I didn't get what I've been looking for.
Any hints of websites with free music, easy loop;able music is very much appriciated. 
If I can't find music I cant really upload all my DIY's, cosplay related videos and vlogs. 


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