
Iron man glasses by google

Hi guys, I know you've all seen Iron man and you know when he's in the iron man suit he has like Jarvis online, talking to him and it looks like this computer screen hanging in mid air? And when he's running some tests in his lab he has these glasses on.
Well google made something similar, and I was sceptic at first I thought Justine trolled us. But if she's not, and if this really works and isn't just some ninja trick filming and editing I'm amazed where technology is going.
I mean like, who wouldn't want glasses like these? the future is here guys!
I wouldn't buy it though since it's the "prototype"/ first edition. Since it's the first one it will probably be super expensive and have some flaws. The second one will probably be much better when they've worked some things out. Like recording longer, and something more discreet way of taking pictures and such.
But yeah, this is amazing and really cool.
Would you buy it? Now we all can kinda look like Tony Stark


  • Alexandra säger:

    It's mad cool! I'd buy them just to look a little bit more like Robert Downey Jr. What a man!

    2013-07-28 | 22:14:43
    Bloggadress: http://instaworkout.blogspot.se/

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