
Beautiful Creatures

I went to the movies with my friend Ida today, we decided last week that we were going to see Beautiful Creatures, so these last days I've been in my bed reading the book like there was no tomorrow (that's why I haven't posted anything these last days) the book's about 600 pages!
I like to read the book before I see the movie. I don't know what you guys think but I can't read a book after I've seen the movie. Why? Because I see the film in my head when I read the book and it's played in slow-motion plus I also already know how it's going to end.

So I liked the book, felt a bit long at times but it was good!
I'd give it a 4/5

About the movie, well I didn't picture the characters to look like they did, plus they even erased one of the characters from the book... which I didn't like at all. And not to mention they completely changed the look of Ridley. Didn't approve of that at all.

I'd give the movie a 3/5


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