
Where to?

A few days ago a woman contacted me about a job opportunity.
The proposal sounded okay I guess, but it was a risk I wasn't sure I wanted to take.
Why should life be so hard? and why couldn't you get a hint once in a while on where to go or what to do. 
I'm employed by the hours, and some months I have more work than others. January's a very good month for me since I almost have a 'fulltime-job', I'll work pretty much every day exept a few days off to catch up with some sleep. And this woman wanted me to get like an internship with her company to work for her for three weeks without pay in January without missing any day or interroupting her already made schedule. 
So what she was saying was; I have to quit my current job (which is ten minutes away from my home) to start ''working'' for her for three weeks without pay, and to get to this job I'll have to take the train for one hour AND the buss, early in the mornings or at night when the trains might not go as often or at all, to maybe just maybe get a fulltime job after my internship is over. 
It's just very confusing and very complicated and come to think of it it doesn't sound that tempting at all. 
Also, where's my goddamned snow?! I want snow on christmas :C


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