
Rather late update

Hi guys I'm currently blogging from my new computer.
A new computer huh? what happend to the last one? Well let me tell you... absolutely nothing. I have one computer for work related stuff, a monster computer if you will, custom ordered for my special needs. I bought my ''old'' computer for photo and movie editing and this new one is my portable typing machine. It's what I call it anyway. It's for writing purposes only. I'll be able to take this computer with me wherever I go. I also wanted something to play with since I'll be start traveling a lot in the future. I'll spend quite a few hours at the airplane and who wouldn't like to bring a computer with a few movies on it and maybe something to play on or whatever floats your boat to make the time fly while.. you're flying... hehehe ;)
I just wish airplanes had wifi or internet, that way I wouldn't mind flying at all..exept I would very much like to bring more things to drink with me. I need to keep swallowing something so the earlocks won't bother me so much. And by drinks I don't mean alcohol, I mean it as in any kind of beverage, juice, water, coca cola, any fuzzy drink really, just not coffee.

Well this was a rather quick and boring update. I'll show you some pictures of my new computer when I get some time off. I've been working a lot recently and I'm starting to feel a little worn out.
Here's some fun facts about me before I go to bed:
I'm 24 years old, I've never liked the taste of coffee and I don't drink nor will dring or learn to drink coffee, I much prefeer a cup of tea.


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