

I went christmas shopping a few days ago with one of my dear friends Sofia, and since I haven't had a goodie bag for a while ;) I decided to spend some money on myself as well. 
I bought a few make up brushes from ginatricot, the world war z on bluray (I'm still trying to read the book but It's really not my type of book, I'll tell you why in another post). 
And I bought some powder, bronzer and concealer for cosplays along with a black lipstick.
I found the black lipstick at bluefox.
And another book.. I think I might need help.. I keep buying books and piling them up. I read a ton of books but I buy more than I can keep up with. 
And I also bought one of bodyshop's new moisturizer with vitamines for extremely dry skin. I'll write a review on all products when I've tested them but now I really have to get to bed, I'm working 7am to 9:30 pm tomorrow so I need a few hours of sleep. 
G'night ~


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