

Todays tip: A movie worth watching.
I think most people can relate to this video since we're the internet generation as they call us.
There's so much hate and bullying out there, it's so sad and pathetic at the same time. How can people really get to that point that they feel the need or even the urge if you will, to put people down to make themselves feel better about themselves or simply get a kick out of it. Some people will do pretty much anything for attention. Internet shouldn't be a place for misery or hate. It should be a an outlet of some sort, for creativity or information. And no it shouldn't be the law of the jungle, isn't it enough that the world is tough out there, in real life. Why online? Why in your own home? I always say my home is my sanctuary. I don't bring crap or bad people into my home, why? because this is my home for crying out loud. I should feel safe in my own home. But internet, it's everywhere, and it's here, on my computer, I let it inside my home...
Texting can be interpreted in different ways depending on the person reading it and in which state of mind he or she's in while reading it. I can some way interpret a text as a very neutral or sometimes even very harsh tone because someone decided not to use smileys.
Look at these examples and hopefully you'll see what I'm talking about.
"I have to talk to you"
"I have to talk to you :)"
Which one of the above examples would alarm you?
So one should think once or twice on how you write stuff to someone you don't know.


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