
Hi guys, I've been working on my wig all day so I don't have anything special to report just yet, so I'll share my thoughts about this book with ya.
I bought this book at English shop and read it like a week ago. When I read about it on the back I asumed it was a mermaid story, alas it wasn't. This was probably the most depressing book I've read in a while.
**** Spoiler, alert don't keep reading if you want to read this book. *****
The book's about this rich girl who dies at the night of her 18th birthday on a boat her family owns. And how she lost her memory as she died (she didn't get to move on and go to heaven) and she had to hang around her family and boyfriend as a ghost/spirit and wait for the flashbacks of who she was and what happend to her so she can figure out what her unresolved issues were and how to move on. This books is a typical american high school drama kind of book frome the popular rich kids point of view.
I wouldn't say it was a waste of money, the drama kept coming so I wasn't bored, along with a hint of detective-sherlock moments.
I'd give this book 2 outta' 5 bookmarks!