Godzilla is one of my dads favorite movies of all time. I'll show him this trailer as soon as he get home from work. What do you guys think? I really liked the old one from 98 with Matthew Broderick and Jean Reno so I don't know what to think or feel right now, I'm pretty neutral!
Hi guys, Disney released this music video on their facebook channel today so I wanted to share it with you. I didn't like the music but there's some sneak peaks in it from the movie!
I rarely go to the movies, but this is one I just have to see on the big screen. why? because I fucking love x-men :D I'll probably make an x-men costume to wear at the premiere. Dorky? perhaps, but that's how I like it.
Hi guys! I've been wanting to see the latest Silent Hill movie (Silent Hill Revelation) for about a year now. So today I finally got the chance to see it. It wasn't as ''scary'' as the first one, but I kinda liked it anyway.
If you haven't seen the first one, here ya' go! It's one of my favorites :)
I went to the movies today with my friend Karro. We watched Pacific Rim. I'm not sure how to describe it to you guys but I'll try and in a few words; Neon Genesis Evangelion.
I wasn't too impressed by the story since I've seen the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime, and a few other mecha animes. So it wasn't a new concept to me. But I liked the movie anyway, non stop braindead action. Yeah I'm saying braindead just because that's what it is, you don't have to think or analyze anything that's happening in the movie. The story didn't have much substance by it self, but the graphics was awesome. I'm going to buy it on blu-ray when it comes out, It's one of those "yeah I'm not impressed but I just gotta' have it, you know" I really enjoyed watching it, and I bet you will too since it's a really cool movie.
I think most people can relate to this video since we're the internet generation as they call us. There's so much hate and bullying out there, it's so sad and pathetic at the same time. How can people really get to that point that they feel the need or even the urge if you will, to put people down to make themselves feel better about themselves or simply get a kick out of it. Some people will do pretty much anything for attention. Internet shouldn't be a place for misery or hate. It should be a an outlet of some sort, for creativity or information. And no it shouldn't be the law of the jungle, isn't it enough that the world is tough out there, in real life. Why online? Why in your own home? I always say my home is my sanctuary. I don't bring crap or bad people into my home, why? because this is my home for crying out loud. I should feel safe in my own home. But internet, it's everywhere, and it's here, on my computer, I let it inside my home...
Texting can be interpreted in different ways depending on the person reading it and in which state of mind he or she's in while reading it. I can some way interpret a text as a very neutral or sometimes even very harsh tone because someone decided not to use smileys.
Look at these examples and hopefully you'll see what I'm talking about.
"I have to talk to you" and "I have to talk to you :)"
Which one of the above examples would alarm you?
So one should think once or twice on how you write stuff to someone you don't know.
I'm excited!!!! Are you excited? You should be! This is going to be an amazing movie. I've been reading the books since they first came out, like 6 years ago! There's 8 books, plus one extra for Tanith. I'm not going to give away what they're about, but I know they're going to be a hit. And yeah I'm a dork, but I need that Tanith part. If the audition's in New Zealand I'll fly there tomorrow if I have to (but I doubt it since it's set in London, Scotland + Ireland if I'm not mistaken, it's been a while since I picked up the book). There's rumors about Warner Bros making/producing this movie, but once again, they're only rumors and this is the only thing Derek will tell us at this point! ( Oh and yeah, Derek Landy's the author of the Skulduggery Pleasant books). The books have a lot of sarcastic humor, dark magic, zombies, necromancers and yeah you can probably tell the books are pretty dark. They look like a children's book on the cover, but they're not, they really aren't! Buy the books, read them, love them because this is going to be epic!
I've been curios about this movie for quite some time now and I've seen some art work on Disney's studio website. I'm excited, or I was, until I saw how much this new character looks like Tangled's Rapunzel. Same design, just different hair. I'm having an inner conflict, I understand why they would want to use similar design out of an animators perspective. It's a huge time and money saver. But then again, Disney owns pretty much all of the larger film companies out they're, they loaded, they CAN afford to make a new design. But Tangled was a big hit so I understand if they would want to go for the same 'concept' as well, it's their ''safe card''. I think it's sad since they have so much time and money, they of all people should experiment and try new stuff. Don't take me wrong, it sounds like I'm badmouthing Disney, I love Disney and I'd love to work with them one day. I just have to analyze it with the few clips and art work they went public with and so far I'm sad to say I'm not impressed.
"But it's winter landscape and theme isn't that's new?" I'm sorry to say but no, they probably used the same enviroment from Tinkerbell's new movie 'Secret of the wings'. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to re-use earlier used material, but they should definitely remodule things so they look like something new and fresh. It somewhat like they have this box with toys, Andy's box of toys if you will, and they didn't really know what to make so they took Buzz and put on Woody's hat and tadaa new movie called space cowboy.
To make two "winter" movies after another makes me wonder if they got stuck in that concept.
And screw the nay sayers with PMS moms. They don't have to let the kids watch the movie if it's too stereotypical or ''brutal'' I'm never going to brainwash my kids with cartoons like Dora the explorer.
There's a reason for each character to act or look in a certain way. It's contrubiting to the story, a realistic kind of story so people can relate to each character in their own way. I understand that they should set an example of how they think a person should act, but they shouldn't make it too ''perfect'' since everyone have flaws, and you'll never be able to relate to that perfect person who never does anything wrong, or never fails at something.
Also what's so wrong with wanting the girls to look feminin? There's nothing wrong with beauty. So what if it's media's type of beauty, Disney's atleast trying to keep their girls natural looking without layers and layers of make up.
I don't think it's anything wrong with my generation and upgrowth, so why sould I "save" my kids from the things I really enjoyed. It wasn't until recently that I re-watched Disney's older cartoons that me and my brother used to watch and I realized how foul language they use, or what they're really implying. It was things I never understood as a kid so I didn't really take it in. The things I didn't take in, or understand, I never really cared much about it. So what if there's some hints of adult humor in it, it should be a movie enjoyable for the whole family.
Well I'm getting off topic, how I'm going to raise my kids isn't really what this was all about!
I'm not going to say so much more about this movie since I haven't seen it yet, I can only analyze and asume things from the images and published material like this short trailer.
I'm going to watch it, because it's never wrong to give it a chance.
So lately I've been into all kind of stores and found out that the summer/spring trend that's out in stores is black and white referee striped clothing. When I saw it, just one word popped up in my mind: Beetlejuice!! I was thinking about buying myself a set just for a casual cosplay, but then again I'm very picky when it comes to cosplay. A perfectionist if you will.
Beetlejuice is one of my favorite movies of all times, I mean, who doesn't like Michael Keaton?
Kom precis hem från förhandsvisningen av Warm Bodies med Nicholas Hoult i huvudrollen som R! Boken är en modern tolkning av Romeo & Juliet, zombie versionen.
Julie och R är star crossed lovers som har alla odds emot sig, han är död och hon är levande behöver jag säga mer? Jag har en känsla av att filmen kommer bli en riktig hit nu på vårkanten och fram till sommaren. Jag vill inte avslöja för mycket för er som vill se filmen. Om jag ska säga något negativt så kändes det dock som att de fick med typ hela filmen i trailern vilket inte alls var så jättekul. Men den kändes inte heller långdragen när man såg filmen på bio. Filmen är en mix av action, komedi och romantik. Jag gillade filmen, och för första gången kan jag faktiskt säga att jag föredrar filmen framför boken.
Filmen får betyget 5/5 kulisser så passa på att se den på bio nu när den kommer ut den 19 april!
Featuring Sarah Jessica Parker Feels like everyone I know has forgotten all about it :/ I really like this kind of music and songs, sweet and creepy at the same time. Like the song from nightmare on elm street 'One , two Freddy's coming for you'. I found this singer on youtube a few years ago, I really like her voice and her covers.
...I haven't seen Pan's Labyrinth yet, feels like I should see it. You can never go wrong with Doug Jones, he's absolutely amazing and my favorite actor of all times.