My to do list

What I have on todays agenda:
* Return the key to my neighbour (I've been a cat keeper for this weekend)
* Return the key to my neighbour (I've been a cat keeper for this weekend)
* Clean my room
* Wash my blanket
* Remove wighair from my carpet and my blanket
* Sort my hamsters toys and food
* Sort my wardrobe
* Take some pictures of the new stuff I've bought and blog about them
* Remove the Harley face up on my doll (I'll tell you about the project when I'm done)
* Order some more stuff for my doll
* Order a Nick head (yeah I'll tell you about that one as well)
* Study for my drivers license
* Sew my corsett
* Clean my brushes
* Wash clothes
(sorry I can't keep writing this list I'm getting anxiety just for writing it since I'm just sitting here instead of doing what I actually need to do and/or work on)
During the day I'll be crossing over what I've done so you can see how productive I've been!