I was suppose to go pattern shopping today but I ended up drifting the streets with my long term bff just talking about schools, and jobs and everything in between. What I didn't end up buying or doing though was what I needed to do… look for patterns.. oh well guess I'll have to skip my sleep-in tomorrow and head into the city before work. However, I did find a few things. Like my new hat. It reminded me of that Fresh Prince clip I love so I had to buy it. (The funny thing about this is that I didn't buy it because outta' fashion but from nostalgia related to fresh prince…)
I'll be going back to england this autumn, I'm so excited, PRIMARK! (I gotta' film a haul any time soon… better late than never I suppose) I've been working my butt off today on all kind of things, I'll update you tomorrow! Meanwhile do enjoy this favorite video of mine! Cheerio~
I'm currently at work and I'm super tired and I don't really have anything interesting to share with you guys except this. I'd really like some snow for christmas :( but I guess we can't have everything huh?
One of my favorite photographers shared this video on his facebook wall and I'm re-sharing it to you guys just because I love you and want to help you... and I just didn't quite have anything extraordinaire to post and I thought it was about time to update my blog so here you go. Enjoy and I'll update you guys tomorrow about todays shopping spree I had with my mom.
Hi guys I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell you about me taking a small pause from blogging. I'm so worn out right now from being in school all day and starting to start up my own business and on the weekends I'm working and studying for my drivers license.. and I'm about to go to bed any second now so I can go to work tomorrow. But do enjoy this new parody by the Hillywood show. I'll update you guys when I can I promise. I just can't give you guys any spoilers right now.
Since I'm one of those lovely people growing up watching the cartoons on channel 5 every morning and I still do, I wanted to share with you a few clips of a cartoon I like. It's called Animaniacs, these two are with my favorite character Minerva Mink. It's so stereotypical but it's funny so you shouldn't take it too serious. So to all feminists and man haters out there: don't get your panties in a bunch. For what it's worth that show was more educational than any of the crap you're probably showing your kids today.
So I found this video on youtube for all you bloggers who's probably wondering what the fuck I'm talking about most of the time. Well this sums it up pretty much. But something they failed to mention, not all make cosplays just to compete. (since most conventions here in Sweden doesn't have a prize worth mentioning). For any butt hurt convention crew/members reading this; If you'd make a cosplay for THOUSANDS of swedish kronor (nice english huh?) and the prize is a figurine and a trophy for just a few hundred ...yeah you wouldn't make a cosplay and spend all that money for that now would ya'? didn't think so.
Hillywood ladies and gentlmen! I don't know where they find all the great dancers and all the doppelgängers but who cares really? Not as good looking as Nicholas Hoult, but then again, none can replace the original.
Since it's been cloudy all day I couldn't film anything so I did some laundry and went on youtube watching all kind of amazing videos like "girl living with half her brain", Talia Joy and other stories like that and then I some how stumbled upon this video from Hotel Transylvania I really liked it and I have had it on repeat all day. I loved the movie and I wouldn't mind cosplaying from it, but I already have like a list of upcoming cosplays so we'll see! See it if you haven't!
Hi guys, I know you've all seen Iron man and you know when he's in the iron man suit he has like Jarvis online, talking to him and it looks like this computer screen hanging in mid air? And when he's running some tests in his lab he has these glasses on. Well google made something similar, and I was sceptic at first I thought Justine trolled us. But if she's not, and if this really works and isn't just some ninja trick filming and editing I'm amazed where technology is going. I mean like, who wouldn't want glasses like these? the future is here guys! I wouldn't buy it though since it's the "prototype"/ first edition. Since it's the first one it will probably be super expensive and have some flaws. The second one will probably be much better when they've worked some things out. Like recording longer, and something more discreet way of taking pictures and such. But yeah, this is amazing and really cool. Would you buy it? Now we all can kinda look like Tony Stark
A friend of mine knows that I'm a mermaid freak (I love everything mermaid) and she found this and sent it to me and I wanted to share it with you guys! I know most of it looks fake and I always question everything but I really enjoyed watching this documentary. What do you think, do mermaids exist?
I might be a bit slow but I really love Wanda Sykes, she's really funny and her voice's really special! I wanted to share with you these videos since I really enjoyed them!