
Hi guys!

I'll be going back to england this autumn, I'm so excited, PRIMARK! (I gotta' film a haul any time soon… better late than never I suppose)
I've been working my butt off today on all kind of things, I'll update you tomorrow! Meanwhile do enjoy this favorite video of mine!

Good guy Ron Perlman

As you can see by the lovely tag on the image, I found this on 9gag and I had to share it with you! (since I'm currently at school and can't update you with anyting more exciting anyway).
Ron Perlman seems like a sweet guy, although I don't know how much this is his or his agents doing. Some actors are or feel like they are  obligated to do these kind of stuff just to get good PR. But hey, rather this than the drama that's going on in hollywood. I hope the kid had fun and that he'll be able to fight the cancer, he looks so sweet and super excited to meet his hero!

Clint Eastwood

To all the ladies out there: you're welcome ;)
He looks so much like his father with the cigarr and squinting his eyes.

Daniel Radcliffe autograph


Something you maybe didn't know about me;
When I was about 15 years old I had a crush on Daniel Radcliffe and my book club shared his fanmail address so we could write him letters.
So I wrote to him and asked for his autograph, a month later I got this in the mail, along with a letter and stamp + envelope from Leavesden studios!
I'm not sure if it's 100% authentic, but I'll always remember the day when I got it. I walked around with the photograph in a transparent plastic bag so I could "accidentally" show it to people passing by while I was looking for a picture frame.
I will always remember that day.

Heath Ledger

Inspiration never give up


Never give up on your dreams. If there's something you really like and want, go for it.

Doug Jones

As a few of you might know I'm a huge fan of Doug Jones.
He's my favorite human!
Who is he? 
Let me give you a hint:
Either way, his mother passed away a few days ago so I sent him a tweet and he saw it!! It made my life, I think I can die happy now.
Here's a few videos why I love him so much! He's so sweet to his fans and he's just a lot fun.
 Isn't he adorable?!

R.I.P Richard Griffiths

Will Smith

 We all know him as the fresh prince of bell air. 
He made a lot of movies but I think the movie I'll always remember him from will be the movie pursuit of happiness. 
I recommend it so please take some time some day to see it if you haven't seen it. 
Here's some pictures and a video that I really like!

Peter Jackson lost a lot of weight

Peter Jackson on the set of "Lord of the Rings" vs. Peter Jackson on the set of "The Hobbit"
I almost didn't recognize him.

Quote of the day

Will and Willow Smith dancing

Let's just say it runs in the family~

Alexander Skarsgård, Eco Sweden

This video is for my international friends from across the sea!

Lancôme Trésor Midnight Rose

I think it was last year I won Emma Watsons Valentine's giveaway on Facebook! I won her perfume, nail polish and lipstick from Lancôme (first prize), it got delivered by UPS at my door in a really beautiful box and with a letter from Lancôme~ I felt like a princess, I've never had such expensive makeup and perfumes before.
And I absolutely love the smell of it! I only use it for special occasions ! I guess it's one of those moments you'll never forget.

Taylor Momsen

We've all seen The Grinch, and we remember our little sweetheart Cindy Lou Who. She is played by the actress Taylor Momsen, I know it's just a movie, but what happened to her? Not that I mind it, I love her music and her long hair, but something must have happend. Here's some of her music videos enjoy~


Acid Black Cherry

Jag känner mig så efter som hittade bandet nu som först...

OBS!!!! Se inte denna i mörker... det gjorde jag och ångrar det fortfarande. Satan i gatan vad mina ögon svider.

Miss A Jia

Inför sommaren så tänkte jag sy en outfit som jag har varit kär i sen jag såg videon för ungefär ett år sedan. Den outfiten jag tänker sno är Jias vid 1:19, blå jeans, en blåvit randig tröja med något som är lite designad att se ut som strumpebandshållare över magen och så sneakers till det. Varför jag blev kär i tröjan är nog för att den är lite annorlunda, och vad som kanske inte syns om man inte pausar videon så är det papegojor hon har på armarna (mer bestämt en Ara). Jag har alltid älskat sailor stilen, och det känns som att den kommer vara sval och skön i sommar!
Jag upptäckte bandet och Jia med låten "Bad Girl, Good Girl" hon sticker ju lite med sitt rosa hår. Jag saknar mitt rosa hår och funderar starkt på att färga det rosa igen inför sommaren!

Jim Carrey

Jag tror nog att de flesta kan relatera till denna video åtminstone någon gång ;) Jag har lekt med skolans projektor så många gånger att jag har tappat räkningen.


Jennifer Lawrence

Jag tycker att det är väldigt uppfriskande att se stjärnor som inte verkar så fulla i sig själva och kan ta saker med en nypa salt och humor. Tror det alltid är viktigt för stjärnor att ha den där glimten i ögat som lyckas hålla folk fängslade länge nog att höra vad dom har att säga.

Meeting with Tom Cruise

Me and my friends Erica and Eddie went to the premiere of the new Tom Cruise movie Jack Reacher.
We showed up as early as 11 AM, and we were told to that Tom would arrive around 6PM. So we had plenty of time to freeze our feet off.
Around 2PM the movie theatre staff was kind enough to let us in to the closed cinema to get warmed up. They even gave us hot cocoa and coffee.
A few hours before Tom arrived we got to stand in the movie theaters restricted area for club members. So we got to meet Tom really close up!
He was super kind and sweet as can be. He really took his time to sign every piece of paper the fans gave him. And he took pictures with us too.
I was lucky enough to get his attention for quite a while.
I was standing very close to the door and just by the fence!
I got him to sign a few photos for my friends, and my mission impossible dvd collector's set!
Since I was standing up front I had a mass of people behind me, and they crushed me against the fence. Tom saw it and he told security to back them off. He really cares for his fans, and I think my respect for him grew even deeper this day.

We also got interviewed by the newspaper metro, and a radio station, plus we even won tickets to the movie. So we got the chance to se Tom again and hear the producers talk about the movie just before the movie started~

I filmed it for you guys! So enjoy~
And see the film when it comes to theaters (4 of january in sweden)
I will upload some more pictures of Tom and the red carpet when I've had some sleep!

A big shout out to the staff of the sergels torn bion, you guys were great!
Super sweet staff, this will be a night to remember for the rest of my life!