Archies girls - makeup by M.A.C

Hi guys, as few of you might know, I wrote an entry about mac's new collection called Archie's girls and at first I decided not to buy anything since mac's make up is pretty expensive, and I didn't think the colors was that 'rare'.
And my every day make up is basically some concealer and just some mascara and sometimes I wear fake eyelashes too. Other than that I keep the make up to a minimum since I wear a lot of theatre make up when I'm cosplaying and such.
Either way, I really didn't feel like paying 500 SEK for four shades of eye shadow! But I went shopping for some stuff for the trip with my mom a few days ago and I found this on sale. It was half off so it was 250 SEK which I thought was an okay price. I really wanted something with Archie, Betty & Veronica on since it's the favorite comic from my childhood!
Since Betty is a very down to earth, kind and very sweet generous girl with modest looks like an ordinary jeans and a top I think it's Betty's make up. Veronica wears a lot of darker and vibrant colors.
Either way It's called caramel sundae and it looks like it's Betty's and something I could use for a everyday make!