Hi guys, since it's been raining for several days now I've spent most of my time in bed reading this book. It's quite hard to describe it without spoiling it for you, but it's kinda like a steam punk version of mermaids I guess. The mermaids need tech shells to be able to breathe under water. Which is powered by a drome of some sort, which is starting to malfuncture and is starting to shut down the breathing shells, so the main character Aluna needs to figure out what's going on and if she can stop it from killing her people. And let's just say things doesn't go quite according to plan. I liked it because it's a new ''type'' of mermaids, who isn't born naturally with fins and breathe under water, but I wasn't very found of how gore the book turned out to be later on. It's a bit like the movie Wild Wild West with Will Smith but the mermaid version of it. It's an interesting book and if you're interested in fantasy and a hint of sci-fi since there's some kind cyborgs in it too you should read it.
Since it's been cloudy all day I couldn't film anything so I did some laundry and went on youtube watching all kind of amazing videos like "girl living with half her brain", Talia Joy and other stories like that and then I some how stumbled upon this video from Hotel Transylvania I really liked it and I have had it on repeat all day. I loved the movie and I wouldn't mind cosplaying from it, but I already have like a list of upcoming cosplays so we'll see! See it if you haven't!
Hi guys, I know you've all seen Iron man and you know when he's in the iron man suit he has like Jarvis online, talking to him and it looks like this computer screen hanging in mid air? And when he's running some tests in his lab he has these glasses on. Well google made something similar, and I was sceptic at first I thought Justine trolled us. But if she's not, and if this really works and isn't just some ninja trick filming and editing I'm amazed where technology is going. I mean like, who wouldn't want glasses like these? the future is here guys! I wouldn't buy it though since it's the "prototype"/ first edition. Since it's the first one it will probably be super expensive and have some flaws. The second one will probably be much better when they've worked some things out. Like recording longer, and something more discreet way of taking pictures and such. But yeah, this is amazing and really cool. Would you buy it? Now we all can kinda look like Tony Stark
Ever since I saw the released images of Disney's Frozen, I felt somehow connected to Elsa. I just thought that she looked a little like me. She's wearing her hair in that long platina blonde braid and the way she have her bangs. It's just how I wear it everyday unless I'm meeting up with some friends then I might wear my bangs down. So I've been thinking if I should cosplay her to take a few pictures this winter. but I don't know, I'll have to see the movie first and then I'll know if I like her or not. After all, she's suppose to be the villain.
A friend of mine knows that I'm a mermaid freak (I love everything mermaid) and she found this and sent it to me and I wanted to share it with you guys! I know most of it looks fake and I always question everything but I really enjoyed watching this documentary. What do you think, do mermaids exist?
Hi guys, I'm sorry I've been off. As you know I've been sick, and just relaxing taking care of myself. But I haven't just been in bed, I've been looking for vlog music like crazy. I found a website which allows you to download and use their music It's mostly samples or random (excuse my language) junk, free stuff isn't always the best. Most of the things I found there's really... random. I haven't found anything yet that's catchy. Most of it sounds like some guy's trying to figure out how a music program works and just uploaded the improvisation for people like me with no time to make a song/songs or for those without talent. Don't take me wrong, I think it's great that you can use others music for free but most of what I found it isn't that good so it feels like I'm wasting a lot of time.And I would have liked that there were more search options for various results like if we say I'd like a song with ukelele or a guitar I should be able to search for it. I've tried but I didn't get what I've been looking for.
Any hints of websites with free music, easy loop;able music is very much appriciated.
If I can't find music I cant really upload all my DIY's, cosplay related videos and vlogs.
Hi guys, I've been off lately and I'm sorry about that. I helped my mom with some gardening and I burned my back pretty badly so I've spent a few days inside just watching House of Anubis. It's a few years old tv-series
about this british boarding school and a mystery going on which involves acient egypt artifacts, immortallity and murder.
The episodes are only 10 minutes long or something like that but I really liked it.
Check it out if you're like me and have to stay inside.
Hi guys, I wanted to tell you all about London, but today's my relaxing day. We've been walking around so much my feet still hurts, but I might give you an update tomorrow or this weekend.
I love painting and crafting, since I went to art school. I really want to make something similar, but my own sculpture. How and what I don't know yet!
I really start to run out of ideas right now.. If you haven't figured it out by now I wrote these entries on wednesday the 3rd just so I could have at least something for you guys to read while I'm gone.. and I've been doing this for like hours now and I start to run out of ideas by now.. can you tell?
So I'm guessing this is the last 'full' day in London and I'm maybe playing tetris with the suitcases trying to stuff everything down, jumping on it and making it all fit.
So yeah, I'll be home soon with some more interesting stuff to show and tell you guys about.
If you haven't already, follow my blog on bloglovin so you don't miss out on my adventure!
I bought a new and my first very own video camera. I've got my iphone and it's great, but it's also very irritating to film with since I need to tap on the screen to get the object in focus and when it's super bright light outside you can hardly see anything because of the overexposure.
So I bought myself a real video camera with some great functions and since it's got image stabilizer I don't have to worry about people getting dizzy by watching my videos unlike my previous iphone videos.
I wanted something small and easy to bring like in my handbag since some events won't let me bring my other camera. It looks too 'profesionall' they say, and to bring it to some events or stores or whatever I need like a press permit.
So there's going to be a bunch of vlogs and DIY's coming up soon! All I need right now is some background music.
Hi guys, as few of you might know, I wrote an entry about mac's new collection called Archie's girls and at first I decided not to buy anything since mac's make up is pretty expensive, and I didn't think the colors was that 'rare'.
And my every day make up is basically some concealer and just some mascara and sometimes I wear fake eyelashes too. Other than that I keep the make up to a minimum since I wear a lot of theatre make up when I'm cosplaying and such.
Either way, I really didn't feel like paying 500 SEK for four shades of eye shadow! But I went shopping for some stuff for the trip with my mom a few days ago and I found this on sale. It was half off so it was 250 SEK which I thought was an okay price. I really wanted something with Archie, Betty & Veronica on since it's the favorite comic from my childhood!
Since Betty is a very down to earth, kind and very sweet generous girl with modest looks like an ordinary jeans and a top I think it's Betty's make up. Veronica wears a lot of darker and vibrant colors.
Either way It's called caramel sundae and it looks like it's Betty's and something I could use for a everyday make!
I might be a bit slow but I really love Wanda Sykes, she's really funny and her voice's really special! I wanted to share with you these videos since I really enjoyed them!
I'm excited since we're leaving for London in a minute or two! I had to go up early today even though I could sleep in, it's because I had to go to the health center and take some blood tests. I've prepared some blog entries for you guys with some things I've bought recently and I hope they aren't too boring, I'll make it up to you when I get home and I'll upload a ton of pictures and videos. I'm not going to be able to blog in London, or atleast I don't think so! I might upload some pictures on my instagram if I can ninja someones wifi, maybe at starbucks like last time?
Hi guys, I've been super busy lately with the damn shirt so haven't had the chance to show you what I've got these last months. It's just a few things really since I'm saving money for like my drivers license and a bunch of other stuff. (I'm not going to go in to further details on that right now) but tadaa.
I buy these fake nails at a cheap craft and random junk store close to where I live. I lose most of my nails and the design wears out like right away so I never see any point of buying expensive nails. They're a one time use anyway so.
Hi guys, I'm working on a new blog design, I don't know when I'll be done with it, so it's going to be under renovation for a while now so please have patience with me!
FINALLY! So I'm done with one of the projects I've been working on for these last two weeks. Here's the final result. I wanted a Sailor Moon inspired t-shirt. I wasn't planning on making one this "serious" but I got caught up in it and couldn't stop! I'm sorry for keeping you waiting!