
Under construction

The blog's under construction and will probably be looking a bit wierd and off with some random code hanging around. It's time for a change and it's happening... pretty much now!
Until then be patient with me! 

How to be an author

By Mr Neil Gaiman

I hung out with Neil Gaiman

So that happend. 
He's such sweet man.
"Hi there, I really love your pink hair"
"Thank you, I can't take full credit though, it's a wig"
"noo is there's such a thing?"
"Yes, Sorry *sigh and sad face*"
"It's very pretty though, and thank you so much for coming"
And I got a hug from him as well, he was the sweetest one ever. I really wish I could talk to him some more but there was a looot of people there to see him.

Naked men stole my money

Last friday I went with my dear friend Stephanie to have a girls day with some shopping and to talk about some rules for the upcoming event we're working on (I'll tell you guys about that in another post).
When we got to the mall I saw one of those Hollister bags that so many are walking around with now a days and I've always wanted to know what the deal was so we decided to look it up. What I first noticed once I got in was they had some perfume or something that smelt really nice so I walked around the store to try and find it and it didn't take me long to find the shelf with their body mists and lotions. I found two that I really love, they smelt like summery and sweet fruit (just the way I like my perfumes) so I had to buy them ofc! And then I found some really nice looking clothes as well but we were in a bit of a hurry so we just bought the stuff and went out. And I ofc, got myself one of those delicious looking bags. I'm definitly going back there just so I can get myself another bag with hopefully another six pack model on it. The model I got is too young for my taste but I guess it's a store for really young girls and they managed to get me in to their store and actually buying something so I guess it fills its purposes. 
What I've bought:
I bought myself a body lotion that's super smooth and the skin absorbs it almost right away, I really can't stop smelling my hands it's that good. And the body mist is kinda hard to explain but it also have a sweet smell to it.
What I thought about the store? A+++ definitly going back there again, ... probably on wednesday!

Photoshop to perfection

I went to thearpy today (the mall for some shopping) and I found a lot of things... mostly lotion and stuff so I'll show you in a minute or two, just gotta make my room all pretty again! 
And yeah the picture of me is ridiously photoshoped so don't worry I'm not that black and white in real life.

Vlog coming up

Sorry for my absence, shit happend! But on friday my dear friend Stephanie are coming over, we're going to make a vlog! So I'll see you (or rather you'll see me) soon!

L O V E - Frank Sinatra

My favorite song of all time, I love everything Jazz ~ since it's an almost rainy day it's perfect for some Jazz and tea while I'm sorting my stuff and throwing things away!

Lush haul

A week ago I went to Uppsala rather spontaniously to kill some time and check some stores out. 
What I've noticed was that the staff in uppsala (no matter which store) they're genuinly more happy and service minded than the staff in stockholm. God knows why. So I'm definitly going to go back to Uppsala to shop when I'm in the mood for spending money.
I like to watch cutiepiemarzia and zoella's vlogs and they both seem to love Lush's products so me and Erica went in to smell some of their products. And neitherless to say it wasn't quite for me. Their stuff smell really strong, you could smell the store even from the street. (that's how I found them)
I'm quite sensitive when it comes to strong smells and strong light since I get headaches easily.
But I found a few things I wanted to try out.

The big yellow lump on the right
is actually a soap that smells like sweet lemons. I really liked the smell so I bought a quite large piece so I won't run out that easily. 
The black soap/candy looking thing in the square metal box
is actually a hard lotion block. It's mells a bit like raspberrys but it's blackcurrant lotion. It really do smell like candy and I swear I would eat it if I could.
The one downer about it is that your hands almost get black while it's wet/moist on your skin, once the skin starts to absorbe the products gets translucent... (duh)
The yellow soap looking thing in the metal box
is also a lotion/ massage oil that smells like lemons (once again me and my lemons). I really love it and I have it in my bag at all times in case I wish to smell more lemony or if my hands get dry. I work a lot with my hands with all kind of dangerous products so I need to spoil my hands with lotions and really take care of them. 
Sparkle box
is actually some kind of toothpaste and bleacher in a pill form. You're suppose to chew it and then brush your teeth with the goo in your mouth. It's absolutely vile. It really tastes a lot like pepper.
I'm going to use it all and show you the results. If it's crap I wouldn't reccomend it since the taste is the most gruesome ever. 
Charity pot
It's another hand and body lotion.
It's for sensitive skin, made to preserve the moist and protect the skin from dragons (I'm only joking, it said on the lid that it's going to protect the skin, from what I don't know, they failed to mention so I'm asuming it's dragons)
On the lid it says that all profits will go to charity. (The lid is promising a lot of things)
Well if it's true, how can you not buy the extra large jar?
I'm not sure how to describe the smell of this, it's kinda waxy but it's super smooth and light on the skin and my hands get super soft almost right away.
It's very liquidy so the skin absorbs it almost right away.
Small black round container
It's a sampler from their "Lemon Flutter" I got it at the store after buying that big soap. I told the girl behind the counter I love lemons and so she gave me a sample of their other very fat Lemon Flutter creme for extra dry skin. So I'm using it around my nails where I tend to get really dry skin. 
It's really thick and works like magic for my poor broken nailbeds. I'm going to buy the big jar when I go back.
Small silver round container
It's a sampler from the Charity pot I bought for my mother so she could try it out. If she likes it I'll buy her the big one! 
I had to try these products at the same time as I wrote about them to have my experience of them fresh in my mind. Now my poor desk and keyboard have to suffer, there's lotion fingerprints all over the place. The things I do for you guys!
They day after results and verdict:
I was going to post this yesterday but I tried them all out and wanted to wait until the day after to see if there was any 24h results. 
And my verdict: inconclusive results.
The only thing that really helped was the Lemon Flutter.
I get smother more silky skin from cold rainwater than any other expensive as fuck product. Would I recomend these products?
The Lemon Flutter - yes, the others? no! Well maybe if you just want something that smells good.
 I hope you like this post, it's going to be my new category: I try it out so you don't have to! Or something else catchy, I'll figure out a new name for it... eventually!
I'll see you guys soon I hope! I'm going to make a few changes so don't be discouraged if you see something off.

Oh you captain

Sorry guys got nothing new and exciting to report, I'm worn out from both work and trying to craft my crossbow, I'm going to bead early today just to oil my body up with all kind of lotions and oils today just to spoil myself before bed.
Captain over and out

My new cosplay project

Guess what cosplay I'm currently working on! 

DIY Pink JEM pumps

Bitches my pumps are done!
I spray painted them when I got home from work and they're almost dry now. Now I just have to wait for the paint to harden … it takes like a month or two. But hey I'm not going to use them just yet so I can wait!
I'm going to upload my progress video tomorrow! (Hopefully)
I bet most of you are wondering what's the big deal. Well the sole was originally black. 

London here I come (again)

Hi guys, so we finally booked our hotel and flight to London for this year. I think it's our 3rd time to London.
I'm super excited and can hardly wait. I think my dear mother are as excited as I am since we're going to celebrate her 50th birthday in London.
And oh, PRIMARK!!! I'm going to go beserk at primark I swear.
We're also planning on going back to the Harry Potter studios at leavesden as well on my moms big day just so she can open the doors! :D  
This time we booked an apartment with a kitchen so we can cook our own breakfast and lunch/dinner so we don't have to depend on resturants all the time. No offense London hotels but most of your breakfast sucks big time and not to mention the lack of vegetarian food at most restaurants. I'm not much of a breakfast person with the dry bread, I prefer real food. Gimme' some pasta or pancakes with some fresh fruit. Nom! 
Anyway, the hotel I so happend to find, wasn't too far off where we have stayed before. (we like to have like a walking distance to Hyde park, just because I'm so overly excited about their squirrels and love spending time feeding them. My parents have to almost drag me home from the park) and not to mention it's just a few busstops away from the shopping! :D8
Last year was horrible, It was too warm and I didn't pack a pair of comfortable shoes to walk in so we didn't do anything special except that we went frome one store to another just to buy water and hide in some cold stores. I'm not much of a warm weather kind of person, I much rather prefer some rain and wind. 
Last year we were close to Notting Hill and when we came back to our hotel and turned on the TV guess what movie was on? Notting Hill ofc! 
Anyway here's where we'll be staying this year! And I'll bring my laptop so I can hopefully blog while I'm there! :D

Ordered new shoes

I ordered a pair of Shoes for my upcoming cosplay, it's as close as I can get model wise. I'm not overly found of the design under the shoe so I'll cut it off :) can you guess who I'll be portraying?


So guess who's sick once again! .. This is absolutely ridiculous. I'm not sure if it's a fever or if it's allergies. (I've never had allergies so I'm thinking about testing me again).
I'm sorry if this is an irrelevant post but I'm currently super busy trying to get my room together and working on my upcoming costumes.
And on top of that I've been on a shopping spree. I'll show you guys as soon as I can find time for it and motivation. Right now I'm just trying to get through the day without chewing someones head off. When I'm sick I get super cranky.
About the picture, I'm thinking about getting a small stuffed animal for my hamster Kíli. But I'm worried that he might eat part of it so I think I'll pass, it's just not worth it
I'm currently at work thus the lack of picture. Isn't it cute though?

Game of thrones cosplay

This is one of the things that kept me busy. I'm learning my new camera and the programs and I'm working fulltime on top of that, and when I get home I gotta' work on other stuff as well.
If you like this picture make sure to like my dear friend and models facebook page to send some love her way. It's not cheap making costumes, and I'm doing my very best to promote my friends! It's a win win situation since I need models to practice and they need more pictures for their portfolio.
Model: Sowii