
The history of beauty

I don't know how I ended up at that part of youtube but I thought it was pretty interesting to know. And since most bloggers out there are into beauty I thought that I'd share it with you!

iPhone 6

My friend showed me this video, what do you guys think is it real or fake?
I'm not sure what to believe, mac/apple always keep their stuff secret until the very last moment. But wouldn't this design be awesome and super practical?

My favorite Disney classic short film

This is my absolute favorite Disney classic short film of all time!
It's the pretty woman of cartoons. I mean which girl doesn't want to feel appreciated. BUT, here's the but again, I don't think they should feel that they need to change themselves to feel accepted and beautiful.
The good thing about this video is the male cookie, he thought that she was beautiful just the way she was, but she really wanted the transformation and he supported her. And in the end she didn't forget who really stood by her side and supported her when no one else did.
So yeah, it's a beautiful classic, very sweet!

Harry Potter - documentary


Baby sloths

They're so darn cute!


Hi guys, I know I've talked a lot about cosplay, so I wanted to share this video I found, I think it was a friend of mine's friend who posted it on Facebook and she liked it so that's how I found it.
There's nothing wrong with being yourself. If there's something you like doing and it doesn't harm or hurt anyone else, why not do it. I don't think anyone should ever feel they're ashamed of who or what they are.
And cosplay's just another creative outlet, just like sewing, knitting, or painting, you name it! :)

Harry Potter


I really liked this one, enjoy~ 

Beach 2013

So here's a video I really like and I wanted to share it with you guys!

Prosthetic beak

Beauty and the Beak from Keith Bubach on Vimeo.

I despise man kind for damaging such a beautiful creature, but my faith has been restored because of this video. I need to watch videos like these once in a while to really see that there's good people out there too.
I've seen too much shit on the internet with all kind of mentally disturbed people harming animals. If there's one thing I really hate it's animal abuse, sometimes I wish I could harm the people the same way they're hurting the animals. For example those idiots who threw that dog off the bridge, or this other woman throwing her kittens in a lake. She had them in a bucket and just threw them away like they were rocks or some other dead worthless object.
I'm glad this eagle got a somewhat happy ending, I'm just sorry she had to endure it because some fuckhead shot her. I don't understand why on earth they would want to shoot a bald eagle, they're absolutely beautiful.


Since I've been so busy and haven't really got anything new to show you guys I wanted to share this with you.
I'm going to try it out and I'll see if it really works! :)

(I'm so tired I couldn't even find the publish-button for quite some time ... kinda scary since I've been using blogg.se for a while now)

Japanese musical instrument / toy

I think it looks and sounds rather fun! If you want one just klick here!

Extreme acne cover up

Some of you have seen this video about how to cover up blemishes and acne, but I also found this other girl with acne problems. I feel somehow more sorry for her, since her acne is so severe and swollen her face kinda looks disfigured.
I think they both are super strong to show their face without make up. And I don't mean it like a girl should ever feel self conscious about her look without alteration. But to actually record it on camera and upload it on internet, where people have no respect for others feelings.
They're really strong and are setting an example to others, to show others with acne problems that they're not alone. It's so easy to forget since media today have an unnatural view on women and men and how they should look like. Their view on 'perfection'.

My thoughts about fur

It's vulgar, and disgusting on a human being. To kill an innocent animal just to get to the fur, that's barbaric.
I don't see fur on humans as something classy, just primate like. We don't need to wear skins or furs anymore, we're not cavemen anymore.
And It's disgusting to be around someone who's wearing a cadavre. Cuz that's what you're wearing if you're wearing fur.
Jim Carry, this is why you're my hero. I really wish I could do something like that, but I don't think I could hold a whale on my shoulders.


I love lizards, I think they're absolutely adorable.
Someday I'd like to have a chameleon but we'll see :) I want to travel a lot and I can't have a lot of pets if I keep leaving the country. That would be very irresponsible.
Either way, I found this clip and I think it's sad and cute at the same time, I don't think it's washing its hands, rather it's trying to grab the stream so it can climb up the tap. But it's only water so I don't think it would harm him in any way (unless it's like super hot water).

Dance moms

I don't like to watch shows with really loud and noisy moms or any loud person at all. I just find it verry irritating and I get into a really bad mood. Especially narrowminded women with such high standards and strict rules for their children (I mean come on, they're kids, let them develop and explore things on their own once in a while)
But I like this show because the girls are doing such a fantastic job and they have so much talent.
Here's a clip of Chloe and Maddie which I love, I think they're adorable and incredible dancers. Just look how in sync they are, I just can't take my eyes off them.

Scary entertainment


I love watching people freaking out, especially when they're playing a scary game.
Here's a video from PewDiePie on youtube, he's a famous swedish game streamer and vlogger. (He plays video games, record it and upload it on youtube so we can see his reactions and comments on the game).
He's also in the "Youtubers react" videos if you'd like to check them out as well!

If you're not a gamer this might not be as fun to you as it is for the rest of us.
What I like the most is that when he freaks out he starts to yell/shout things in swedish. I don't even think he's aware of that.

Star Wars make up

Jag håller på och rensar min externa hårddisk varav jag hittade en testsminkning på en framtida cosplay som jag vill göra. Jag är lite sugen på att cosplaya Padmé (Queen Amidala) från Star Wars, men det som är jätteviktigt med en karaktär som faktiskt spelats av en skådespelare är att man har rätt ansiktsform eller kan få till det med hjälp av smink. Jag är jättepetig på den punkten.
Helst ska man ju ha samma ansiktsform eller att det går att uppnå med hjälp av contouring.
Jag vet inte om jag ska göra den eller ej, det återstår att se.

Descendants short film

I found this video on youtube, it's quite depressing and sad but beautifully made.

Sofia Grace and Rosie at Disney world

I'm so envious of them right now.
I really wish that I could work as a Disney princess at least once in my life.

Pink dream