
K-pop dance festival wii

I don't like wii but I might get it just so I can play this game! It looks like so much fun :)

Shane Dawson


I think that Shane's super sweet when he's serious and shows his "normal" sensitive side. But I know he exaggerates a lot and shouts like every other word like he just hit puberty.
I think his blogs are the best ones, I just think they're more personal... and there's less puke and drugs in them. But there's poop jokes in all his videos~
I wanted to share this one because I think I might do one of these myself with my friends.

Singing in the rain

It really feels like summer/spring when it's raining instead of snowing. And I don't know about you guys but I love a walk in the rain, sometimes I even like to sing this song when I'm jumping in the puddles.

Gene Kelly & Donald O'Connor

Do I need to say anything?

Disney land/Disney world

oh gosh I cried! 

Craig Ferguson


He's the best!
 I love his show, it's the only one I like to watch.


I really love this design and the general idea :) I'll be making my own version some day~ 

Fun gadgets

I really want that fingerprint-scanner-door-lock and bat signal...
If you don't want to watch the video but are curios about what I'm talking about, the thing's I'm talking about starts at ~ 4:55

Skin care tips

Shanna Malcolm and the hollywood dream

Behind the scenes The Little Mermaid MV

Hi guys! I've been following Traci Hines work for some time now and I wanted to share the behind the scenes from her music video just because I love all kind of 'behind the scenes' material and process.
If you want to see the music video check out her channel.

Assassin's creed 4 black flag

New game coming up! And with that I wanted to share with you one of my photos from deviantart.
The models name is Sofia and she's a very talented swedish cosplayer!
Here's a link to her blog; http://my-daylight.se/

Star Craft 2 heart of the swarm

One word; daaaamn
In stores; 2013-03-12

Will and Willow Smith dancing

Let's just say it runs in the family~

Animals <3

Alexander Skarsgård, Eco Sweden

This video is for my international friends from across the sea!

Crazy Goats

Today are one of those days when you just want to stay under a blanket with a book or some crazy youtube videos. And I found one~

Acid Black Cherry

Jag känner mig så efter som hittade bandet nu som först...

OBS!!!! Se inte denna i mörker... det gjorde jag och ångrar det fortfarande. Satan i gatan vad mina ögon svider.

Jim Carrey

Jag tror nog att de flesta kan relatera till denna video åtminstone någon gång ;) Jag har lekt med skolans projektor så många gånger att jag har tappat räkningen.


Jennifer Lawrence

Jag tycker att det är väldigt uppfriskande att se stjärnor som inte verkar så fulla i sig själva och kan ta saker med en nypa salt och humor. Tror det alltid är viktigt för stjärnor att ha den där glimten i ögat som lyckas hålla folk fängslade länge nog att höra vad dom har att säga.