Why I'm not blogging

Hi guys I think I should explain why I'm blogging that often anymore. It's because I've been in school - of which I'm almost finished with. And I'm working on my portfolio plus I'm working on the weekends as well.
This is a sneak peak of what I've been working on and what's been taking so much of my spare time.
I've been working on this wig for a cosplay I wanted to make for years. Believe it or not but I've made it from scratch using a special knotting method and yarn. When I've made half the wig I'll upload a process vlog showing you guys how I made it. But as for now, and as you probably can see this fucker eats my spare time and the hours meant for sleep like it's skittles. So far I've used two balls of brown yarn, one orange, two white and one black. I'm all out of orange so I need to go back to panduro to get me some more.
I'm pretty worn out. School monday-friday, working on the weekends, and on the spare time I've been working on my buisness/homework and this wig. When I've done 50% of the wig I'll put it aside to make a few commissions that I have piling up.
I'm just so worn out from never having any time off to just relax and I've been sick as well so I missed out on a lot of ballet lessons which sucks big time. This is too much for one person to handle.
I desperately need a personal pepper pots to make a schedule for me or something.
I'll get back to you guys as soon as possible!