Tenacious D concert

I went to our carnival here in Stockholm/Sweden today called Grönalund to see Tenacious D with Jack Black.
Since I knew it was going to be hysterical we were there at 1pm isch. (enough to let you sleep in and late enough to be able to come in)
And no I wouldn't say I was lucky to get in, it's called planning ahead. If people would have done that they would have gotten in too.
Anyway I liked the show, but I really dislike crowds in general wich didn't make the experience that much awesome sause. And I dislike drunks too, this was a combination of both of them. 17 000 people, I'd say about half of them was drunk or acting very rudely in general.
Since there was so much people, there was no way to move around at all) we couldn't move at all until the show had ended. Halfway through the gig it started pouring down from the sky, so I'm soaked, tired, bruiced, and annoyed right now I just want to go to bed. Wouldn't say it was worth it the time nor the money.
I got myself a bag with Tenacious D on it. I didn't like the shirts in general, the designer could have done a better job working on the motives and the look of it. It was all Kyle on them, I don't know about you but I prefer Jack and if I would want to wear a t-shirt with one of their faces on it, I would have liked it to be Jacks face.
Me and my brother also threw some balls at a cardboard wheel and we won ourselves a pair of these teddys. So now we have a matching pair (but his is dark brown and mine is caramel brown).
And I bought myself a necklace too. I think it's a fun design, digital love for the internet generation.
And I bought myself a necklace too. I think it's a fun design, digital love for the internet generation.
I'm sorry for the crappy pictures, but I'm so tired I used my phone just to show you guys rather qickly before I go to bed.