I bought a new bag for my cameras. I have a proper camera backpack with a lot of pockets for lenses and such but it's super... ugly. There I said it. It serves its purposes but it's so darn ugly and you can kinda tell it's a bag with very expensive photo or video equipment in it.
Ether way I found this at Deichmanns and it cost 299 which is an okay price for a bag. I really liked the inside with the flower design. I don't think it's that durable but it's wearable which was what I was looking for.
I'll talk to you guys tomorrow, I gotta' hit the sack so I can go to school tomorrow without falling asleep during class or lose my concentration.
As you can see by the lovely tag on the image, I found this on 9gag and I had to share it with you! (since I'm currently at school and can't update you with anyting more exciting anyway).
Ron Perlman seems like a sweet guy, although I don't know how much this is his or his agents doing. Some actors are or feel like they are obligated to do these kind of stuff just to get good PR. But hey, rather this than the drama that's going on in hollywood. I hope the kid had fun and that he'll be able to fight the cancer, he looks so sweet and super excited to meet his hero!
Since I'm one of those lovely people growing up watching the cartoons on channel 5 every morning and I still do, I wanted to share with you a few clips of a cartoon I like. It's called Animaniacs, these two are with my favorite character Minerva Mink. It's so stereotypical but it's funny so you shouldn't take it too serious. So to all feminists and man haters out there: don't get your panties in a bunch. For what it's worth that show was more educational than any of the crap you're probably showing your kids today.
I'm sorry I've been occupied all day with work and I'm exhausted so I'm going to watch a movie with my parents. I found this image on tumblr and I really like their outfits... especially the grey with the baby pink uggs.
I've been working until now :) right now I'm on my way to buy some art supplies to continue with my bunny feet. I ran out of glue yesterday.. I'll check in with you guys later!
Hi guys! This is what I've been working on since I came home from school. Can you guess what it's for? No? Well stay tuned and I'll update you tomorrow with some more progress ;)
If you're about my age or a few years older you might be able to take a stroll down memory lane with me.
It's a theatre costume if you didn't figure that part out from the picture, and it's someones/somethings feet I'm currently working on.
I can't work much more on this today since I ran out of glue and I've got homework to do.
I found this sweater at Cubus and I just had to have it.
I really love oversize hoodies, cardigans or sweaters. It's perfect for cuddeling up in while reading a book with a cup of tea or chocolate. It's a size L and I'm a size S reguarly thus the "Big in Japan" title. Clever huh?
I got the strawberries & champagne and mango temptation
Hi guys!
I've been browsing a ton of blogs and the Vicotoria's secret fragrance mist's super popular right now and I wanted to try them out or atleast smell them but they're quite hard to find in a store ( I don't think anyone would buy a perfume without smelling it first).
Luckily enough I live somewhat near a hairdresser that just happens to have them. So I went with my mom after taking a few hours of sleep (which I needed desperatly) and I bought these two. I'm not much of a perfume kind'a' gal. I like fresh and sweet sents like most fabric softner or body shops products because many of them don't have that really strong scent like most perfumes have. I'm wearing the Mango temptation right now, it's really strong and I feel like I'm about to get a headache. And I didn't even use much of the product. It's not that it smells bad, just really strong. These two bottles will last for I don't know how many years. I know make up products and perfumes needs to be thrown away or recycled after a few years because old beauty product can give you allergies but these will last for maybe 5 years or so for me personally just because they're so strong and I'm not a perfume user, I don't use perfume on a every day basis. I don't think I'll be needing to buy another one that's for sure.
I also bought the furry moon boots... which you barely can see but I bought them ''cheap'' (nothing's cheap here in Sweden anymore not since I found Primark) but I needed some warmer indoor shoes to keep my feet warm during some ballet exercise so I don't get cramps and these are super cute with the pink bow and pearls. They really look like a cuter version of the ''pre heating boot'' used by pretty much all ballet dancers (it's so they don't injur themselves).
The ballet boot
Well that's my day! I hope you guys had a wonderful day and I'll try to write more.
Hi guys I'm staying home today. I have to catch up with too much to stay in class and listen to stuff I already know. I learned it by helping out with running events and conventions.
Yesterday we had a entire day with just lectures on social media... like I need that. The teacher was lecturing about how to make a profile on facebook and how to use it, and what to have on a website and other social media like blogging.... to be honest, the only reason why I'm taking this class is to maybe get some kind of grade or diploma on what I already know.
I've been really bad at posting personal images lately and there's a reason for that. I'm drowning in paperwork, school and work. So I'm going to show you some images of what I've been occupied with lately:
I'm studying for my drivers license, and I'm taking a buisness class on how to start my own business and on top of that I have commissions and my costumes to work on.
Last week was hell:ich,
Monday - Friday: 8 am - 8:30 am = feed the neighbors cats and bunnies 9 am - 4 pm = School 4:30 - 5:30 pm = feed the neighbors cats and bunnies and clean the litter boxes and socialize with them 6 pm - 7:30 pm = ballet 8 pm - 11 pm = study, eat and work on commissions and my business 12 pm - 8 am = sleep
Saturday: 6:10 am - 6:30 am = feed the cats + bunnies 7 am - 3 pm = Work 4 pm - 5 pm = eat and study 5 pm - 6 pm = feed the animals and clean the litter boxes and socialize with them. 6 pm - 12 pm = study and work on commissions
Sunday: 10 am - 11 am = feed the animals and socialize 12pm - 2 pm = study and work on commissions 2:30 pm - 9:30 pm = work 10 pm - 12 pm study and work on commissions 12:30pm - 8 am sleep
And that's pretty much what I've been up to lately.
The feeding cats part have just been added to my schedule this previous week and the owner will come back tomorrow so I'll feed them one last time tomorrow morning just before I go to school. It will be nice to get to sleep in and take some time off once in a while. I used to have bunnies and a dog and several birds, it's sad to say but I don't miss having pets. I really miss my friends, but after 22 years of taking responsibility of so many animals with the cleaning and feeding and grooming it's really nice to be able to sleep in once in a while (when I get the opportunity to do so) I'm about to as we call it in Sweden ''to hit the wall'' any minute now. Blogging is a full time job, starting up your own business is a full time job, and on top of that I actually have to keep doing my design projects so I have a business to run and products to sell when the paper work is done. Plus I'm working on the weekends. So I'm not going to have a single day off in six weeks.
But I shouldn't complain. I love my school, and I'm super excited to really start doing things. I'm going places and right now it's baby steps but I'm getting there.
Please bare with me, I know most things I upload isn't that interesting but I'm crazy busy right now.
Hi guys! I'm taking care of my neighbors cats for a week, and her two bunnies. I mean it's super convenient since it's just next door haha. They're super cute and very social but I'm pretty sure they just see me as their feeding machine though since I only go in to them when it's time to feed them and clean the litter box. I'm going to have rough six weeks now not only because I'm taking care of the cats, I'm going to have a rough time because I have so much to do.
I need to feed them and clean up before school and then go to school (I guess I forgot to tell you guys about it but I went back to school. I'm taking this how to start up your own busines course with economics, law and all that stuff). And I'm working on the weekends. So I'm not going to have a day off in six weeks. Which sucks, but hey what can I do? I need to know this stuff and I need the money. Sometimes I wish I just had a regular job like everyone else. Like working monday to friday with a monthly income.
I bought a few stuff these last days and I'm going to tell you guys about it perhaps tomorrow? but I have to work on my buisnes plan and set up a password for my USB I bought today just for busines purposes.
I hope you guys are okay, peace out dudes! (sorry, about that, I've been watching way too much teenage mutant ninja turtles).
Hello guys! It's my birthday today! or rather, it was my birthday.. most of the day have passed by now :)
I spent it wisely ... browsing for fabric and I had a cup of warm chocolate with my dear friend Stephanie.
I'm currently home watching TMNT and waiting for my mom to come home from work so we can have a piece of cake. But yeah that's my birthday, sweet 24th birthday me!
I'm not a party girl nor have I been so this is how I spend my birthdays. Mostly just with family and a few close friends. I hope you guys had a nice day! I did :) tomorrow I'm going to start working really hard on my projects again. Drawing a lot of stuff and ... well you'll see! I'm sorry I'm not posting much personal stuff like selfies or stuff like that. But hang in there, I'll make it worth the wait.
My friend and I spoke a while ago about a perfume she wanted to buy since she thought it reminded her of a perfume Belle (from disney's Beauty and the beast) would wear. She did indeed get the perfume and a few months later I went to London and I found the perfume she was talking about and this new limited edition. I had to smell them and they did indeed smell like freshly picked roses. It's such a summery smell that reminds me of when me and my brother were younger and spent the summers at our grandmas summerhouse.
I wanted to buy the perfume my friend talked about but also didn't want to feel like I'm copying her so I bought the limited version. It's a bit musky;ier but still smells like roses. Myself I prefer sweet perfumes that smell like fruits or something that would most likely rot your teeth, but I like it, this smells really really good.
I have another perfume from Lancôme called midnight rose which really doesn't smell like roses but it's one of my favorites too. ( I told you guys about it a while ago, as you might recall I won that perfume from Emma Watsons fanpage on facebook a few years ago along with a nailpolish and lipstick).
If you find this perfume make sure to smell it, I really like it and I'm sure you'll do too.