I feel like I'm kind of stuck, I don't really know what to blog about most of the time or what to show you guys.
I'm not a typical fashionista, nor am I a professional photographer. And I don't cook that often since I'm really not interested in food. And entertainment news about upcoming movies or diskussions about producers and stuff like that.. it's not quite what I had in mind when I started this blog.
And I dislike to rant or whine unless I'm really cranky or tired.
What would you like to see more of, let me know, comment below or send me a PM.
I need to sleep now since I'm working tomorrow as well.
Hi guys! I'm going to show you my London Haul, I bought a few things on my birthday and I'm going to show you what I got. Since I'm going back there I wanted to show you what I got last year before everything piles up in the show-and-tell category! So I went to Camden Market and went in to a shoe store which had sale on all these different designer shoes like jeffrey campbell and converse and all that jazz!
And I found these innersulan choice shoes! I had my eyes on them ever since I found them online (and I totally forgot which site I found them on, I think it was brandos?) I think they're super adorable with the little ice cream and monkey! I'm going to take them off when I wear them though (I haven't worn them yet since I bought them in october it wasn't quite the time to take these babies out) they tend to make a lot of noice when I walk in them.
I think the transparent heel's very cool! And I don't know if you can tell by the picture, but the inside of the shoe's this dark shimmering pink!
I don't know how I ended up at that part of youtube but I thought it was pretty interesting to know. And since most bloggers out there are into beauty I thought that I'd share it with you!
My friend showed me this video, what do you guys think is it real or fake? I'm not sure what to believe, mac/apple always keep their stuff secret until the very last moment. But wouldn't this design be awesome and super practical?
These are my every day products, it's just basically some vitamins and moisturizer for my face, and an olive oil for the rest of the body. And perfumes! I love the smell of citruses! (The orange bottle is satsuma and the pink one's pink grapefruit). These product's are body shops own brand and when it comes to skincare, it's the go to product for me. They smell like candy and you see fast results!
I don't use much more products than these on a daily basis (make up wise). Maybe I'll put on some concealer and mascara when I go out, but I don't think you should over do it with too much make up cake;ing it up suffocating the skin. I only use a lot of products if I'm about to doll up or wear a cosplay!
And I'm sorry guys, I promised to show you my work, but it's not finished! I went out and bought myself a video camera so I can start vlogging (my iphone won't do) and I ended up making pancakes for four hours to my dad and brother for dinner and lunchboxes for tomorrow! I'll show you what I got tomorrow I promise!
This is my absolute favorite Disney classic short film of all time! It's the pretty woman of cartoons. I mean which girl doesn't want to feel appreciated. BUT, here's the but again, I don't think they should feel that they need to change themselves to feel accepted and beautiful. The good thing about this video is the male cookie, he thought that she was beautiful just the way she was, but she really wanted the transformation and he supported her. And in the end she didn't forget who really stood by her side and supported her when no one else did. So yeah, it's a beautiful classic, very sweet! Enjoy~
Hi guys I'm having a spa day today so I'm watching some movies and listening to some good music! Here's one of my favorite songs! It's from the music pitch perfect
Hi guys, guess what? I forgot to tell you something; I'm going to London next week and I'll be gone for 6 days or so. Yaaay! I can't wait. There's two things I'd really like to do, it's to *Feed the squirrels *Get a new wardrobe from Primark Hopefully we'll be going to camden market too and find cheap shoes! I'm hoping that I'll find a pair of cheap white Dr Martens for this autumn and winter. I'd like to take a new piercing from Cold steel, but I'm not just taking a piercing without any reason. And I'm not sure about taking tattoos or piercings in another country. I went to London last year on my birthday and during that week we did practically anything you'd want to do in London. We went everywhere. I'm not kidding! I loved traveling by buss it was so much fun :D ( I know we have busses in Sweden too, but there's something about the red double deckers) I hope it rains a lot this time too, I'm not a huge fan of warm weather! I want to get myself a bubble umbrella! (Last time I couldn't find one) Either way, I've spent a lot of time on youtube looking at primark hauls since they won't and don't show any of their clothes on their website. I found a few images on some random site and I really hope I can find them. These are the ones I've been looking at:
I need this once since it's my birth year!
I'm not sure about these purple fish net socks. Have the designer even tried them on? I dislike fish net stockings, they hurt like hell to walk in, it's like walking on very hard strings/ropes. But I liked the color!
Have you been to primark recently? If you have, please show me! I'd like to know what they have and if there's something I should look for! :)
I'm excited!!!! Are you excited? You should be! This is going to be an amazing movie. I've been reading the books since they first came out, like 6 years ago! There's 8 books, plus one extra for Tanith. I'm not going to give away what they're about, but I know they're going to be a hit. And yeah I'm a dork, but I need that Tanith part. If the audition's in New Zealand I'll fly there tomorrow if I have to (but I doubt it since it's set in London, Scotland + Ireland if I'm not mistaken, it's been a while since I picked up the book). There's rumors about Warner Bros making/producing this movie, but once again, they're only rumors and this is the only thing Derek will tell us at this point! ( Oh and yeah, Derek Landy's the author of the Skulduggery Pleasant books). The books have a lot of sarcastic humor, dark magic, zombies, necromancers and yeah you can probably tell the books are pretty dark. They look like a children's book on the cover, but they're not, they really aren't! Buy the books, read them, love them because this is going to be epic!
So this is what I've been watching all afternoon since I came home from work.
I love to have something playing in the background while I'm working on my projects! I love to either listen to music, or documentaries of some sort. When music's on it just makes it a lot more fun and I can drift off into my own world while I'm working, and when a documentary's on, I can listen and take stuff in easier if I have something to with my hands meanwhile: like drawing, or stitching or anything really.
Hi guys, I know I've talked a lot about cosplay, so I wanted to share this video I found, I think it was a friend of mine's friend who posted it on Facebook and she liked it so that's how I found it. There's nothing wrong with being yourself. If there's something you like doing and it doesn't harm or hurt anyone else, why not do it. I don't think anyone should ever feel they're ashamed of who or what they are. And cosplay's just another creative outlet, just like sewing, knitting, or painting, you name it! :)
Am I the only one up this early and sober? I don't celebrate midsummer's eve like most people with the drinking and staying up all night. I work constantly on all kind of different things and projects. I'm almost done with the project I've been working on for this past week, so I'm going to show you guys some pictures on monday or maybe tuesday! I'm not really a morning person, but I need to go to work and I have things to do when I get home too! :) I found this video yesterday so it's the song I'm listening on my way to work.
Happy midsummer! I know it sounds weird saying it in english. Did you know that there's this place called Sweden hills in japan? They celebrate and love swedish culture. So I'm guessing they're having their own midsummer's eve today, or is it tomorrow? time difference is always confusing. Source
I've been curios about this movie for quite some time now and I've seen some art work on Disney's studio website. I'm excited, or I was, until I saw how much this new character looks like Tangled's Rapunzel. Same design, just different hair. I'm having an inner conflict, I understand why they would want to use similar design out of an animators perspective. It's a huge time and money saver. But then again, Disney owns pretty much all of the larger film companies out they're, they loaded, they CAN afford to make a new design. But Tangled was a big hit so I understand if they would want to go for the same 'concept' as well, it's their ''safe card''. I think it's sad since they have so much time and money, they of all people should experiment and try new stuff. Don't take me wrong, it sounds like I'm badmouthing Disney, I love Disney and I'd love to work with them one day. I just have to analyze it with the few clips and art work they went public with and so far I'm sad to say I'm not impressed.
"But it's winter landscape and theme isn't that's new?" I'm sorry to say but no, they probably used the same enviroment from Tinkerbell's new movie 'Secret of the wings'. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to re-use earlier used material, but they should definitely remodule things so they look like something new and fresh. It somewhat like they have this box with toys, Andy's box of toys if you will, and they didn't really know what to make so they took Buzz and put on Woody's hat and tadaa new movie called space cowboy.
To make two "winter" movies after another makes me wonder if they got stuck in that concept.
And screw the nay sayers with PMS moms. They don't have to let the kids watch the movie if it's too stereotypical or ''brutal'' I'm never going to brainwash my kids with cartoons like Dora the explorer.
There's a reason for each character to act or look in a certain way. It's contrubiting to the story, a realistic kind of story so people can relate to each character in their own way. I understand that they should set an example of how they think a person should act, but they shouldn't make it too ''perfect'' since everyone have flaws, and you'll never be able to relate to that perfect person who never does anything wrong, or never fails at something.
Also what's so wrong with wanting the girls to look feminin? There's nothing wrong with beauty. So what if it's media's type of beauty, Disney's atleast trying to keep their girls natural looking without layers and layers of make up.
I don't think it's anything wrong with my generation and upgrowth, so why sould I "save" my kids from the things I really enjoyed. It wasn't until recently that I re-watched Disney's older cartoons that me and my brother used to watch and I realized how foul language they use, or what they're really implying. It was things I never understood as a kid so I didn't really take it in. The things I didn't take in, or understand, I never really cared much about it. So what if there's some hints of adult humor in it, it should be a movie enjoyable for the whole family.
Well I'm getting off topic, how I'm going to raise my kids isn't really what this was all about!
I'm not going to say so much more about this movie since I haven't seen it yet, I can only analyze and asume things from the images and published material like this short trailer.
I'm going to watch it, because it's never wrong to give it a chance.
I've bleached my hair like eight times (not all at once though).. I'm not even kidding, I had to bleach it that many times to get rid of all the orange;ness and red tones since silver shampoo didn't really work. I'm surprised I still have my hair, without the rubbery broken;ness! But I know why my hair still feels healthy and strong, I have great hair products! I use moroccanoils shampoo and conditioner along with the hair mask! I'm serious it's the best products out there. I'm never going back to the other cheaper versions.
I don't have dry hair, not even split ends and it's not like a rubber band at all when it's wet. I couldn't be more satisfied with the product!
And no I'm not beeing sponsored by them, I just wanted to recommend them for you guys in case you have damaged hair, it's always worth a shot no? I think all girls with long hair rather try something that might work than cutting it all off. We all know how long it takes to grow back!
I've been into a Sailor Moon mood lately, I've been re-watching the series and planning some cosplays along with some secret design projects. I found this doll maker and I went all out hahahah If you want to make one yourself here's the link!
Something you maybe didn't know about me; When I was about 15 years old I had a crush on Daniel Radcliffe and my book club shared his fanmail address so we could write him letters. So I wrote to him and asked for his autograph, a month later I got this in the mail, along with a letter and stamp + envelope from Leavesden studios! I'm not sure if it's 100% authentic, but I'll always remember the day when I got it. I walked around with the photograph in a transparent plastic bag so I could "accidentally" show it to people passing by while I was looking for a picture frame.
I despise man kind for damaging such a beautiful creature, but my faith has been restored because of this video. I need to watch videos like these once in a while to really see that there's good people out there too. I've seen too much shit on the internet with all kind of mentally disturbed people harming animals. If there's one thing I really hate it's animal abuse, sometimes I wish I could harm the people the same way they're hurting the animals. For example those idiots who threw that dog off the bridge, or this other woman throwing her kittens in a lake. She had them in a bucket and just threw them away like they were rocks or some other dead worthless object. I'm glad this eagle got a somewhat happy ending, I'm just sorry she had to endure it because some fuckhead shot her. I don't understand why on earth they would want to shoot a bald eagle, they're absolutely beautiful.
Since I've been so busy and haven't really got anything new to show you guys I wanted to share this with you. I'm going to try it out and I'll see if it really works! :)
(I'm so tired I couldn't even find the publish-button for quite some time ... kinda scary since I've been using blogg.se for a while now)
I'm sorry that I'm not updating so much, I'm just exhausted from all the work. Today I was interviewed for a new job and I went to get my new passport and I had to go to my other work to get a paper that I had to post. I'm currently trying to relax by watching a movie, I've been out walking for 9 hours oh god I'm so exhausted.
If there's something I hate almost as much as animal abuse, world hunger, poverty, murderess and rapists etc. it's cheap ass brushes. I hate painting something and this fake ass (yes I just called them fake) brushes keep shedding hair strands like animals lose their winter fur. There's nothing more frustrating than to have to use a needle or a tweezer to pick the tiny hair out of a painting smearing that paint all over and ruining it. I mean it's never okay to use cheap artist supplies, some day you'll be making fantastic art and your supplies will break down on you and ruin everything just because you decided to use a cheaper brush.
No I'm not kidding, have you ever painted something in the middle of the night just because the inspiration strikes you like a lightening from above? and then the brush just decides to give up on you and die (use any possible scenario that comes to mind) and then the art store's closed cuz it's fucking 4 am. If you're not an artist you don't know what the fuss is all about, it's because the paint dries. Yeah I know, paint that dries that's absurd. I NEVER had to deal with any of that with my good quality brushes. Yes they're a bit more expensive, but in this case it's you get what you pay for. So if you're going to paint, even if it's a one time thing, you'll never know if you'll be needing it again, buy a good quality brush.
Hi guys, I'm still buried under a ton of paperwork, and design sketches and I've been working on this shirt for like a week now. I'm so close to giving up since it takes so long time. I'm not going to sell these babies unless I find some way to make a bunch of them faster. This method I'm using takes a loooot of time and I want my designs to be affordable for everyone (I want to keep my prices low and the quality high) but I'm not quite there yet to make it worth it. I'm literally painting the motive on the shirt, it's so time consuming since I have to wait for one layer of paint to dry before I can paint a new one.
Atleast it rained today so I didn't feel too bad staying inside all day working.
Hi guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated all day, I went out shopping with my friend Ida and I had a ton of paperwork to print and sign plus I'm currently working on a shirt design I'm going to show you once I'm finished! I'm going to post more stuff tomorrow!
Some of you have seen this video about how to cover up blemishes and acne, but I also found this other girl with acne problems. I feel somehow more sorry for her, since her acne is so severe and swollen her face kinda looks disfigured. I think they both are super strong to show their face without make up. And I don't mean it like a girl should ever feel self conscious about her look without alteration. But to actually record it on camera and upload it on internet, where people have no respect for others feelings. They're really strong and are setting an example to others, to show others with acne problems that they're not alone. It's so easy to forget since media today have an unnatural view on women and men and how they should look like. Their view on 'perfection'.
It's vulgar, and disgusting on a human being. To kill an innocent animal just to get to the fur, that's barbaric. I don't see fur on humans as something classy, just primate like. We don't need to wear skins or furs anymore, we're not cavemen anymore. And It's disgusting to be around someone who's wearing a cadavre. Cuz that's what you're wearing if you're wearing fur. Jim Carry, this is why you're my hero. I really wish I could do something like that, but I don't think I could hold a whale on my shoulders.
When I was out walking I went passed a party store we have here in Stockholm called Buttericks, it's a costume and magic shop. They mostly have cheap looking costumes and wigs for halloweens or costume parties. I was surprised to see that the display right now was lolita dresses. I don't really know what to think, I know that there'a a bunch of serious lolitas out there that only wear designer dresses and to know that their lifestyle's nothing more than a party costume to some might offend them.
This is a post dedicated to all my followers, this is how happy you make me! I wish I could share my joy with you~ It really means a lot that you're supporting and reading my blog. Some days I really put in a lot of work sharing my thoughts or work and to know that someone's taking their time reading it, or just looking at my pictures. I love you all, you're the best! If there's something you want to see more of, or anything you want to see less of feel free to comment below and I'll do my best not to post anything like that again, or more of the things you want to see more of.
I also was thinking that when I reach 50 readers I'll have a competition or a give away. And when I reach, 100, 150, 200, 250 and so on (I don't think I'll ever reach that ammount but a girl can dream right?)
Hi guys, I had a really busy day yesterday and the day before that, but I'll tell you more about that later. Yesterday my parents and I went to Media Markt and my parents wanted to give me this game since I wanted it for such a long time. I can't wait to try it out, thing is I have so much to do that I can't really try it just yet. I have loads of games I've started playing but I can't play for longer periods since I get a killer headache. It's the worst :( I think I need to go and see my optician to get glasses for gaming and watching movies (somehow I can't watch more than one movie anymore). I have 20/20 vision, but I need to use glasses for reading so I don't get migraines. And no, I can't use my glasses for the TV, I'm too far away so the vision starts to get all blurry. I think I need progressive glasses. Either way, I love my parents, they're the best! And I can't wait to play the videogame, I've seen some amazing cosplayers so I'm excited!!
I love lizards, I think they're absolutely adorable. Someday I'd like to have a chameleon but we'll see :) I want to travel a lot and I can't have a lot of pets if I keep leaving the country. That would be very irresponsible. Either way, I found this clip and I think it's sad and cute at the same time, I don't think it's washing its hands, rather it's trying to grab the stream so it can climb up the tap. But it's only water so I don't think it would harm him in any way (unless it's like super hot water). Enjoy
Hi guys! So yesterday I went out for a walk with my friend, and I got these babies from ginatricot! I bought the baby doll lipstick a few days ago and since I loved it I wanted some more colors. And tadaa. There's one more I want but it's nowhere to be found. Either way, here they are, super smooth lipsticks that I recommend.
So as a few of you might know (or as you might know now since I mentioned it in my last entry) , I've been trying out WoW for a couple of months. I'm still new at it since I don't play it that often, and I wanted to share my opinion about the game. To start with, I didn't quite get the storyline. It might be because I started to play with my friend right away, and I think to really get into a game you should play it yourself for a while just to get started and really get into it. Learning it all and doing some exploring. The reason why I started playing wow was because I bought myself Diablo 3 when it was released and I really enjoyed it. It was the first game I got to play with friends online. I love to play multiplayer games but on our PS3, I think it's way more fun to be in the same room as my friends, so I can laugh at their expressions and frustration. It's not the same thing playing through a computer. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, quite the contrary. MMO makes it possible to get to know people all over the world and playing with them. And it's way cheeper than traveling/visiting your friend all the time. Since the game have been around for such a long time it's really a LOT to take in. And if you're really not that interested it's going to be pretty boring and you'll never going to enjoy it to the fullest. One of the downsides of wow, like most mmos is that it costs money to play it. It's like you're "renting" the game. First off you have to play for the game, and then you have to pay a monthly fee to keep playing it. I'm one of those gamers who have like periods of playing games. Sometimes I just like to take out a game and play it for a few days and to put it away for a few months. If you've paid for a couple of months it feels like you have to use that time to get your moneys worth.
This is my character anyway, she's a blood elf and she has this wolf pet. I wanted her to look like me, but the face options weren't that many.
I'm sorry for my absence, I've been ill for a few days. Not like a fewer or anything like that, let's just say I'm the kind of girl who has it, the worst kind of it, any girl can possible get. I'm in so much pain I can barely stand, most of the time I'm on the floor just quivering and almost fainting because of the pain I'm in. Either way, the pain only lasts a few days so I'm back on track now and I hope you haven't missed me like crazy. What have I been up to during my absence? I've been playing WoW, and yesterday I went for a walk with my friend from work.
I wanted to enter this competition on CDON's Facebook page. They wanted pictures of something summer related, and you could win a new camera, but I don't think their website manager/designer thought it out or had a test run. Because you can't share your own image. The linking/sharing part sucks really bad. And you can't search for your own name or title either. So my chances of winning are close to zero. Since I can't win I wanted to share my picture with you guys! I found three ducklings a few years ago and their mom was pretty cool about me getting close to them. But I didn't want to get too close either. I think she felt that i had respect for their family and for her kids. Swans are beautiful birds, I love them, but I'm also terrified of them. Have you ever heard a swan hiss? it's scary, they're huge birds after all.
As I mentioned earlier, we celebrated my dads birthday today! It was just a small gathering with family and a few relatives like my aunt, uncle and grandma, our cousins couldn't make it. And since it rained I wanted to take a stroll and browse in a few local stores. So I took my brother out with me and we went to Gina Tricot on götgatsbacken and then a stroll down to t-centralen to Ö&B so I could buy my hair bleach! I always use Jane Hellens hair bleaching. I think it's the superior when it comes down to getting that really blonde and platina color. So this is what I got since we really didn't have time to browse a lot! I'm addicted to Gina Tricots bandeaus, I'll show you my collection another day.
And I found a very sweet lipstick, It's quite small but I like smaller portions of body lotions, perfumes and make up.
I really like the lipstick, it has no fragrance and it's really smooth on the lips like a lip balm x lipgloss and not waxy at all. You get this really thin smooth layer of color and the color looks great on the lips! Plus there's a magnet on the lid so you don't have to worry about it falling off in your purse.
I'm going to buy a whole bunch of these babies and all colors!
I don't like to watch shows with really loud and noisy moms or any loud person at all. I just find it verry irritating and I get into a really bad mood. Especially narrowminded women with such high standards and strict rules for their children (I mean come on, they're kids, let them develop and explore things on their own once in a while)
But I like this show because the girls are doing such a fantastic job and they have so much talent.
Here's a clip of Chloe and Maddie which I love, I think they're adorable and incredible dancers. Just look how in sync they are, I just can't take my eyes off them.
It was my dads birthday yesterday, so we're going to have a small party for him today.
Stupid as I am, I didn't think to plan ahead and go to bed early, because we are going to surprize him with coffee and breakfast in bed, so here I am, waiting to wake up and my eyes to adjust since I only had a few hours of sleep I'm feeling very worn out and tired.
This picture above describes me perfectly which is kinda sad really.