Hi guys! I've been really busy lately just working my ass off so I could afford this beauty! I've had my eyes on it since it came out so almost a year now?
I went to a place called kameradoktorn which is a nikon specialist shop and me and one of the sellers/owner? (I think he's the owner) of the shop talked for like almost an hour or so about the camera and lenses and flashes and everything camera related. I really love find someone to talk about things I really like doing and when you get along so well you can actually talk for hours! His daughter have a Nikon D80 just like me and he told me that she could use one of these as well.
They had like starters kit with the camera house and a program called lightroom or if you wanted to pay more you could also get a lens with that. But I told him I didn't need the program and that I wanted another lens that wasn't in the package-starter-deal-kit they had so we made a deal, I got all this, for 10 500 SEK wich I think is a really good deal. I got like 500 SEK off which is great!
What I ended up getting was:
* Nikon D7100
* Nikkor lens Af-S DX Micro 40mm f/2.8G
* Nikon strap
* Charger, battery, battery-charger-cable and a usb-cable for the camera
* 16 GB SD card
* 32 GB SD card
And here's what you've been waiting for, not really but here they are:
Some snapshots from the new camera
I hope you guys enjoyed your christmas, as for me it's been very hectic and really really busy! As for my new years resolutions here they are:
* No more candy or fuzzy drinks
* Really get my blogging started and also my vlogging and my other projects
* Get my website up and running
As for today I'm just going to eat dinner, and after that we'll have pears with fudge and whipped cream and then go to bed since I have to be back at work tomorrow at 7am.
Since everyone's sharing what they got for christmas I wanted to show you what I got as well!
I'm super happy about my gifts and I'm glad my parent's haven't decided I'm "too old" for nerdy/geeky gifts like tv-games or books because it's who I am and what I like doing in my spare time. And I also got this super sweet flowery perfume from Victor and Rolf, I almost got a bit mad at my parents for giving me the 50ml bottle since I know how expensive it is and I'd rather had them spend more money on them selves but they wanted me to have it since I don't have so many perfumes.
Tomorrow I'm going in to the city to see if I can find something good at the x-mas sale. Sharpen your elbows ladies!
Merry christmas everyone. I totally forgot to update today since I was so busy and I fell asleep on the couch so Im actually going to bed early today since I'm so tired. I hope you all had a wonderful christmas and I'll show you guys what I got tomorrow!
Dad told me about a store he found a few weeks ago called dollar store, and today after work he drove me there so I could look around.
Neitherless to say he shouldn't had. I found cheap make up for my cosplays worth 800 SEK plus a few movies on top of that. I don't really care if it's high quallity or not since it's for costumes as long as I can get something that does the trick.
We're going to watch mars needs moms now and have something to eat. I'll update you guys with more shopping stuff later!
So this is what I've been doing since I came home from work. I'm working on my princess Nuala cosplay. Since my blonde front lace wig was so thin I had to add extra hair and later on I'll be dying it and cutting it.
Since I'm a huge movie geek (duh) and I read a lot, and when I say a lot I don't mean like "meh, one book a month" it's somewhere in between 5 to 10 books per month depending on how many pages the book is... look at me, I'm getting all carried away talking about books.
To the point: twinkies have been talked about in so many movies, series and books so I always wanted to try one out. But when you live in the 'wrong country' it's kinda hard to get your hands on one ya' know. And when you've grown old enough to actually go to America and maybe somehow get your hands on them, they stopped making them. M@ther*^kers! And the internet went bat shit crazy over it. "The end of an era" etc.etc yada yada.
The other day I went to a store close to my home called American imported candy or something like it and believe it or not, I actually found twinkies. So I asked the girl behind the counter about this and she told me something about a rich canadian dude who bought the recipe and started making them again. He must have heard the cries and the desperation from the internet and helped them out or something- fuck yeah power to the people!! So anyway, when I got home I wanted to take a picture and show you guys but believe it or not my battery to the camera was dead so I had to charge it and then I went to bed, the day after I woke up with a migraine (must have been the sugar overload from the day before) but here it is. I tried one out as soon as I opened the box but I was very disappointed. I have a sweet tooth, I'm one of those people who want- not tea with sugar, but the opposite: sugar with tea. It's like 70% of the cup should be sugar and the rest is tea. That's how much I like sweet stuff, but this twinkie was too sweet for my taste. It just tasted like a ton of preservatives and sugar. I had one, and that's enough. Was I disappointed? Indeed I was, but atleast I've tried one out.
I bought a few lollipops as well. Those I actually liked. One with banana strawberry, another one was bubblegum, third was cotton candy and the last one was candy apple. I'll be going back for more of those!
A few days ago a woman contacted me about a job opportunity.
The proposal sounded okay I guess, but it was a risk I wasn't sure I wanted to take.
Why should life be so hard? and why couldn't you get a hint once in a while on where to go or what to do.
I'm employed by the hours, and some months I have more work than others. January's a very good month for me since I almost have a 'fulltime-job', I'll work pretty much every day exept a few days off to catch up with some sleep. And this woman wanted me to get like an internship with her company to work for her for three weeks without pay in January without missing any day or interroupting her already made schedule.
So what she was saying was; I have to quit my current job (which is ten minutes away from my home) to start ''working'' for her for three weeks without pay, and to get to this job I'll have to take the train for one hour AND the buss, early in the mornings or at night when the trains might not go as often or at all, to maybe just maybe get a fulltime job after my internship is over.
It's just very confusing and very complicated and come to think of it it doesn't sound that tempting at all.
Also, where's my goddamned snow?! I want snow on christmas :C
Hi guys! I'm currently working on gathering supplies for my winter cosplay. I'm going to make Elsa from Disney's Frozen but I'm a bit OCD when it comes to details. The clear/glass/ice pumps she's wearing. I've been looking for a pair for the longest time now, and today I found the sole. It's from a chinese business so I contacted them and hopefully they'll get back to me within 5 days. It's going to be a bit of a challenge but I'm going to make the shoe from scratch. But since I found the sole I want I'm super excited and I really hope they company will help me get the shoes of my dreams.
I'm currently at work and I'm super tired and I don't really have anything interesting to share with you guys except this. I'd really like some snow for christmas :( but I guess we can't have everything huh?
I made a makeup test along with my half finished wig and this is what I came up with. I'll make a few changes in the make up when I'll wear it but other than that I think it looks okay. The wig isn't styled and trimmed yet but this is what it looks like so far.
Godzilla is one of my dads favorite movies of all time. I'll show him this trailer as soon as he get home from work. What do you guys think? I really liked the old one from 98 with Matthew Broderick and Jean Reno so I don't know what to think or feel right now, I'm pretty neutral!
I went christmas shopping a few days ago with one of my dear friends Sofia, and since I haven't had a goodie bag for a while ;) I decided to spend some money on myself as well.
I bought a few make up brushes from ginatricot, the world war z on bluray (I'm still trying to read the book but It's really not my type of book, I'll tell you why in another post).
And I bought some powder, bronzer and concealer for cosplays along with a black lipstick.
I found the black lipstick at bluefox.
And another book.. I think I might need help.. I keep buying books and piling them up. I read a ton of books but I buy more than I can keep up with.
And I also bought one of bodyshop's new moisturizer with vitamines for extremely dry skin. I'll write a review on all products when I've tested them but now I really have to get to bed, I'm working 7am to 9:30 pm tomorrow so I need a few hours of sleep.
I think I'm starting to grow up because this is pretty much everything I want for christmas. I'd really need some ballet warm up boots from bloch, a perfume from Viktor & Rolf called flowerbomb and the game of thrones series.
When I was younger I had like a two pages list with stuff I just "had to have" but now I guess I start to appriciate all the stuff I already have and the most important thing is I want my family to be happy and healthy.
Working when you're sick, that's what sucks. I have a fever and my throat is sore and not to mention that I'm dizzy from all the coughing. Staying at home isn't much of an option for me either since we're about to lose our jobs so we have to take every opertunity we've got to earn some extra cash before we become unemployed or go back to school.
Me? I have a back up plan, I intend to go back to school even though I don't want to - but I think it's about time I get a deploma or a degree of some sort while I'm still young.
I just have one hour left at work and then I have to get to this terms last ballet class. I just wanna go to bed right now.
Beeing so stressed out all the time really takes a toll on your immune system.
Hi guys! A week ago me and my friend Stephanie talked about upcoming photoshoots we wanted to do and we also talked about what makes a great cosplay/costume. We found a pair of decent Levi cosplayers (from the anime attack on titan) but I didn't quite like the shoots. This is one of the images we talked about. Personally I think it's too much of the coat and blurr going on in this image and we discussed about setting a mood into a picture, so I talked to Steph about this and made this quick retouch of the image.
I don't know what you think but I would prefer a image that looks a little like this.
Hi guys I'm currently blogging from my new computer. A new computer huh? what happend to the last one? Well let me tell you... absolutely nothing. I have one computer for work related stuff, a monster computer if you will, custom ordered for my special needs. I bought my ''old'' computer for photo and movie editing and this new one is my portable typing machine. It's what I call it anyway. It's for writing purposes only. I'll be able to take this computer with me wherever I go. I also wanted something to play with since I'll be start traveling a lot in the future. I'll spend quite a few hours at the airplane and who wouldn't like to bring a computer with a few movies on it and maybe something to play on or whatever floats your boat to make the time fly while.. you're flying... hehehe ;) I just wish airplanes had wifi or internet, that way I wouldn't mind flying at all..exept I would very much like to bring more things to drink with me. I need to keep swallowing something so the earlocks won't bother me so much. And by drinks I don't mean alcohol, I mean it as in any kind of beverage, juice, water, coca cola, any fuzzy drink really, just not coffee.
Well this was a rather quick and boring update. I'll show you some pictures of my new computer when I get some time off. I've been working a lot recently and I'm starting to feel a little worn out. Here's some fun facts about me before I go to bed: I'm 24 years old, I've never liked the taste of coffee and I don't drink nor will dring or learn to drink coffee, I much prefeer a cup of tea. Cheerio