I've been dying my hair since I was 12-13 years old, it started out with some colors that would rinse out and just disappear after a few washes. And till today, I'm 23 years old and I don't know what hair color I have. or I didn't, until today. I'm stuck in between like light brown and ash blonde. It's not quite brown and it's too dark to be blond, see my dilemma? I've been looking on the bottles for years trying to figure out what my hair color is. And I just recently googled something called "dirty blonde" and I found a few pictures that looks like my hair. So I guess I'm a dirty blond... lovely.
I found this wig years ago. I can't even remember where exactly I found the images. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but it's better than most Belle cosplay wigs I've seen.
It really feels like summer/spring when it's raining instead of snowing. And I don't know about you guys but I love a walk in the rain, sometimes I even like to sing this song when I'm jumping in the puddles.
I've just finished the quadrilogy of the Beautiful Creatures series. Beautiful Creatures, Beautiful Darkness, Beautiful Chaos & Beautiful Redemption. Each book's about 400 pages, 1600 in total about this Gatlin boy and his caster (caster = witch) girlfriend. My thoughts and feelings about the books: loooooong. I'm sorry but they are. Sometimes it felt like the authors just had a goal: to write 400 pages, and they didn't care so much about the content in itself. I'm not saying the books are bad, they had some fun parts and some action and drama. Giving some kind of fresh breeze in this vampire wolf zombie hysteria going on. But I don't think I will be reading them again. I'm sorry to say but it felt like a witch/caster version of Twilight. Except that it wasn't much of a triangle drama in it. Just a bunch of narrow-minded brainwashed christians in a small town blaming every thing on the towns outcast (which in this case was the witch girl and her uncle + their family). There's a lot of dark magic, fortunetelling & voodoo both light and dark going on in the book and I'm sure the movies are going to be blockbusters. The movie Beautiful Creatures is a lot different from the book, they left out an important character (the librarian) which I hope they will find an actor for, if not they're going to have a hell of a time putting this story together. And not to mention they changed one of the characters "design/looks". Ridley is suppose to be this blond (with a lot of pink going on) vulgar siren sucking on lollipops. But I guess they wouldn't want to make the movies too pornographic. And please, don't buy a paperback book that's thick as a brick, I swear to god you're going to bend and break it. If you're like me and are super careful not to fold any edges or scratch it, don't buy a paperback they'll break your heart for sure. I know they're super comfortable to hold and all that jazz but the cover just started to let go of the binding. It looked like a sticker letting go of the surface after being too worn out. Do I recommend this book? Yes and no. If you like love stories then yes, because this is what it's pretty much all about. I've read so many books over the years so I find most books predictable, this one was no different. The books aren't that expensive so why not give them a shot if you're bored to bits, but they're not life changing books like some I've encountered. I'd give them a 2.5 out of 5.
I've been throwing away so much stuff my room feel all empty. I don't have any posters on my door or walls anymore~ I wouldn't mind a spa right now, this one looks so good.
I haven't been able to update a lot here. I've been busy watching the news on what's going on between America and North Korea. And not to mention the bombing in Boston. These last weeks I've been watching and reading news like there's no tomorrow. I really don't like to watch the news, because there's hardly ever any good news on. They should rename it to "here comes war" or "depressing news". And I've been super worried about the North Koreas bullshit. They're all talking about a world war 3. It's possible that Kim fuckhead jong un is just making a lot of noice, but I really hope someone just put a bullet through his head.
Kom precis hem från förhandsvisningen av Warm Bodies med Nicholas Hoult i huvudrollen som R! Boken är en modern tolkning av Romeo & Juliet, zombie versionen.
Julie och R är star crossed lovers som har alla odds emot sig, han är död och hon är levande behöver jag säga mer? Jag har en känsla av att filmen kommer bli en riktig hit nu på vårkanten och fram till sommaren. Jag vill inte avslöja för mycket för er som vill se filmen. Om jag ska säga något negativt så kändes det dock som att de fick med typ hela filmen i trailern vilket inte alls var så jättekul. Men den kändes inte heller långdragen när man såg filmen på bio. Filmen är en mix av action, komedi och romantik. Jag gillade filmen, och för första gången kan jag faktiskt säga att jag föredrar filmen framför boken.
Filmen får betyget 5/5 kulisser så passa på att se den på bio nu när den kommer ut den 19 april!
Featuring Sarah Jessica Parker Feels like everyone I know has forgotten all about it :/ I really like this kind of music and songs, sweet and creepy at the same time. Like the song from nightmare on elm street 'One , two Freddy's coming for you'. I found this singer on youtube a few years ago, I really like her voice and her covers.
...I haven't seen Pan's Labyrinth yet, feels like I should see it. You can never go wrong with Doug Jones, he's absolutely amazing and my favorite actor of all times.
I've spent most of my time online and on different forums and sites and there's something I always come across no matter the site: bullying.
As admin, mod, production leader and god knows what else I've been up to I've learned how to handle it. I know it's hard to take critique from mr Anonymous, especially now when there's so many haters out there. But something you have to remind yourself of, it's just empty words. The words themselves won't affect you unless you let them do it. And why would you want to listen to some spineless creep who doesn't even stand for his or her own opinion? By being anonymous shows us that they're too afraid of getting personal and letting you find out who they are. Probably they're too afraid of you finding out who they are so you can report them to the police or confronting him/her/them in person. It's cowardly to hide behind a computer screen and trying to make others feel bad about themselves. For what?
What you can do:
*DON'T feed the trolls. If you ignore them, eventually they'll get bored and go away. It's when you react to these idiots that they'll get a kick out of it. Most of them are doing it just because they're bored as fuck, or they carry some kind of mental illness, pick one.
* If you see a message that's starting out pretty bad with foul language and a mean 'tone' into it. If you don't like it, just delete it. Your happiness is just one click away.
*If your blog gets hacked or whatever, contact the staff on the site. There's people for pretty much everything. And you can always contact the police. BUT remember, the police can't keep an eye on everything that's going on online.
And it's so easy to get away with pretty much anything.
So what you can do, if you're sensitive and feel like you wouldn't be able to handle haters:
*Don't upload or send anything that would make you feel embarrassed about in a few years from now, or maybe even a few weeks from now.
Be cautious!
Don't post nudes or send half naked pictures to people you don't know that well unless you could handle the fact that they might get uploaded on some site. How many celebrities haven't you seen got their phone hacked and the nude pictures to their boyfriends/girlfriends got uploaded on internet. Once it's up and online it's hard to delete it, might even be impossible.
*Don't post personal stuff about yourself. No negative stuff that will give the trolls a upper hand. They love when they find something that's personal to you and what might get you upset or lose your temper. Just remember, trolls love dirt. So keep it clean.
No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent - Eleanor Roosevelt
So I've got this new category called my bucket list, I wanted to post a few things and dreams I want to achieve in my life and when I do I'll post it here telling you guys about it. Most things I'm pretty sure I'll never l never get, but there's nothing wrong with having a dream. Brace yourself, this list is going to be long.
(Why does it only say mom? I want to take my dad somewhere he always wanted to go too. I want to be able to buy my parents everything they want)
And I'm done!
I bet I will find a few other things that I will add on the list later on, but there you have it. Most of my dreams and wishes :)
I've achieved some of these and I'll make a post on each one but this will have to do for today... it took me all day to finish this.