Meeting with Tom Cruise
Me and my friends Erica and Eddie went to the premiere of the new Tom Cruise movie Jack Reacher.
We showed up as early as 11 AM, and we were told to that Tom would arrive around 6PM. So we had plenty of time to freeze our feet off.
Around 2PM the movie theatre staff was kind enough to let us in to the closed cinema to get warmed up. They even gave us hot cocoa and coffee.
A few hours before Tom arrived we got to stand in the movie theaters restricted area for club members. So we got to meet Tom really close up!
He was super kind and sweet as can be. He really took his time to sign every piece of paper the fans gave him. And he took pictures with us too.
I was lucky enough to get his attention for quite a while.
I was standing very close to the door and just by the fence!
I got him to sign a few photos for my friends, and my mission impossible dvd collector's set!
Since I was standing up front I had a mass of people behind me, and they crushed me against the fence. Tom saw it and he told security to back them off. He really cares for his fans, and I think my respect for him grew even deeper this day.
We also got interviewed by the newspaper metro, and a radio station, plus we even won tickets to the movie. So we got the chance to se Tom again and hear the producers talk about the movie just before the movie started~
I filmed it for you guys! So enjoy~
And see the film when it comes to theaters (4 of january in sweden)
I will upload some more pictures of Tom and the red carpet when I've had some sleep!
A big shout out to the staff of the sergels torn bion, you guys were great!
Super sweet staff, this will be a night to remember for the rest of my life!