

 I've had my eyes on this hoodie for the longest time and yesterday I finally found one in stores. I've been to lazy to buy one online and I wanted one really big, because I luuuuv large hoodies to cuddle up in. It was quite expensive though but it was worth it. 

Fuck you head!

I've been working today, other than that I've been sleeping to get rid of my headache! 
I woke up at 8pm and I've been drifting around trying to figure out something that I can do at home without making my head hurt even more so... I started sewing on the elastics on my ballet shoes :) 

Hi guys!

I'll be going back to england this autumn, I'm so excited, PRIMARK! (I gotta' film a haul any time soon… better late than never I suppose)
I've been working my butt off today on all kind of things, I'll update you tomorrow! Meanwhile do enjoy this favorite video of mine!

Let me introduce you to ...

My new pet
I got him almost a week ago~
This is one of the reasons I have been so busy

Working out

Hi guys, two posts in one day, I know, crazy huh?
One thing I'm going to learn this summer is getting my splits down and a back handspring
It's for my preformance this autumn, what I'm going to do and who'm I'm going to be I can't tell you about right now! But I'll give you guys some hints later on. Or maybe you'll figure it out all by yourselves. 


I know I haven't blogged in a long time it's because so many things are happening now, I'll start telling you about them like... right now.
For starters, I've finally got my entertainment group together. we'll have to decide if we want to start a 'study group' so we can borrow a dance room to practice in for way cheeper than we would if we don't start the 'study' group.
So I bought a pair of new blochs to practice in, I have a pair in each color already but I need a pair for this preformance in particilar. Why? I can't tell you right now but I'll wear this pair down faster than the ones for my ballet class that's for sure. 
So this is what I'll be doing this mornin' , just drinking some tea and sewing on the elastics. I didn't know until recently that I have a B foot, I always thought I had a C type, but I guess B makes more sense since they're my banana type of feet.
If you're wondering about this B and C talk, it's the type of shoe, a C-type of shoe is for a normal wide foot and D is for a wide foot, my other shoes are a C-type of shoe, but this B shoe fits even better. 
I gotta' get dressed now so I'll talk to you guys later. Hopefully my wig will arrive today... I really need it now so I can fix it and wear it for my audition.

Work work

I found these flowers at Gina tricot a month ago, can you guess what I'll be making with these?

Brace yourselves


Even though I haven't blogged for a very long time it doesn't mean I haven't been up to mischief. One of the things I've been doing a lot is shopping!!
This week starting tomorrow I'll be posting a lot of images of what I've bought recently and what I think about the products. Like a ton of product reviews.

I've also got news, I'll be going to the fashion event this saturday. I'll take a lot of pictures and film it for all who can't participate.