
Clint Eastwood

To all the ladies out there: you're welcome ;)
He looks so much like his father with the cigarr and squinting his eyes.

I live..


...more or less. I've been working my ass off lately and when I had a few days off I went down with a cold. That's what you get when you slow down. 


I've been working 14 hours today and this gif pretty much sums up the day. I'm pretty exhausted from answering the same questions time after time after time. Sometimes I just want do a Nick Cage on them.
What really bugs me is that I can't, gotta' stay professional no matter how sick and tired you are of their stupidity.
-where's the phone so I can call a cab?
*stares at the sign right next to them where it say phone this way and then looks back and then slowly raises an eyebrow*
- oh how silly of me, so it's just that way?
picture below related to my inner expression



Since I don't have any decent shoes for autumn and winter I bought myself a pair of shoes today. I found them on ebay. 320:- for a pair of shoes isn't that bad. I think they're inspired by DR Martens but most shoes you find in stores right now are.
I can't wear my converse all year. It's not good for my back nor my feet. :)
I've only ordered shoes once online before, so if these fit me I'll buy a white pair as well!
And I'm really sorry guys if I don't update as often as I would like, I'm currently drowning in paperwork and other projects. I can't really tell you about it just yet but as soon as I get things in order I'll start telling you about it.

Goodmorning Japan

Good morning my sweet readers! I wanted to share this song with you since it always cheers me up maybe you'll like it too?

Silent Hill movie(s)

Hi guys! I've been wanting to see the latest Silent Hill movie (Silent Hill Revelation)  for about a year now.
So today I finally got the chance to see it. It wasn't as ''scary'' as the first one, but I kinda liked it anyway.
If you haven't seen the first one, here ya' go! It's one of my favorites :)



Hi guys, I just came home from ballet class. And this class I'm in now, not a single snob. I might actually enjoy dancing in this group for once :)
Don't take me wrong, I love dancing but it would be nice to make a friend for once who doesn't act like everyone else is dogpoop except her.

Alice in wonderland

Hi guys, I found this really awesome doorknob. I really want it and I could probably make one myself but it takes some time and is quite expensive.



Hi guys! I'm currently at work so I don't have anything exciting to tell you about.
I've been talking to my dear friend Stephanie about tattoos and piercings lately and we discussed about if we were to get a tattoo what we would get.
I've been thinking of a long time of a white ink tattoo since instagram is going crazy about it, sharing all kind of cool motives. I think it's a rather descrete tattoo. Although I found a video on youtube about this tattoo artist who talked a little about the white ink and why he thinks it's stupid to get them. He don't know who started it or why, but currently it's not a very nice looking tattoo after a while since the white ink gets discolored after a while after it's been exposed to sunlight, it turns into more of a brown or skin toned color than white.
And I think his argument is pretty much that 'why get a tattoo if you can't see it'. Which I can partly agree on. I mean a tattoo isn't really cheap so why'd you wanna keep re doing it. But tattoos are also very personal and doesn't always have to be exposed to the public. Maybe it's just a personal momentum for yourself. Something to remind you of someone or something.
I like it anyway even if it might fade away. Most say it looks like a very faint scar after a while which isn't really that bad. More likely something for me. I don't mind scars, I've got plenty (but that's another story) one thing I don't want on my body is black ink. it's too big of a contrast to my extremely pale skin. Also my personal opinion is that tattoos don't always go with every outfit.
But back to the tattoo, we talked about what we would to get, and I told her I'd probably wanted to get a moon crest on my wrist as a momentum for my Sailor Moon fandom. It was the first real anime I watched as a child even if I didn't know it. In junior high I used to play sailor moon with my best friend who was very much like sailor mercery. And I've always loved that moon kingdom of hers with the princess dress/ white bride dress with pearls. So that's what I probably would get. But a white ink one. And then a few days later I found this image on tumblr. Just like I wanted it.
But I don't know. tattoos aren't really my thing, but there's nothing wrong with admiring other artists work.

All jobs today

This is what it's like looking for a job it's super irritating.

Take action and help someone today (swedish)

(Tagen och översatt ifrån John Knauss)

Detta är en bild som bör ses av hela världen!

Medans tidningar och TV rapporterar om livet och kärleksaffärerna som rör skådespelare, fotbollsspelare och andra kändisar, så har hövdingen för Kayapo stammen nyss fått höra den värsta nyheten i hela sitt liv.

Mrs Dilma, Brasiliens president, har gett sitt godkännande för byggandet av ett enormt vattenkraftverk. (Världens tredje största)

Detta innebär utplånandet för alla stammar som lever längst med floden eftersom fördämningen kommer att översvämma mer eller mindre 988.421 hektar av skogen. Mer än 40 000 infödingar måste hitta andra levande miljöer där de kan överleva.
Förstörelsen av den naturliga miljön, det vill säga avskogning, och försvinnandet av flera arter av växter och djur kommer att bli ett fullbordat faktum.

Vi vet att en enkel bild motsvarar tusen ord, och visar det pris som skall betalas för "livskvalité" i våra så kallade "moderna bekvämligheter". Världen har inte längre plats för de som bor annorlunda. Allt måste jämnas bort, och alla måste i globaliseringens namn förlora sin identitet och sätt att leva.

Om detta gör dig rasande, så uppmanar och ber jag dig att "dela" detta meddelande till alla dina vänner, släktingar och bekanta.
Och glöm inte att skriva under namnlistan!
^ Stal detta från facebook, jag tycker att kan man hjälpa till så bör man. Det kostar ingenting och tar inte alls lång tid att skriva under listan. Om det hjälper eller ej det vet jag inte, men det har aldrig skadat att försöka eller vad säger ni?
For my international friends: If you click the link above and watch the video you'll find the english version. Please sign the petition on the link, it will probably save 40 000 people from losing their homes.

Plump lips and my vertical labret

Hi guys! I watched a video a few days ago on how to get plump lips. I know most would like to have lips like Angelina Jolie all plump and juicy, I'm one of them.
There's this girl on youtube talking about how to get them by using a toothbrush and vaseline by just brushing them. It's like exfoliating your lips and getting that blood circulation going. So I thought to myself " the heck" why not? So I went to the pharmacy and got myself some baby toothbrushes (we've got sensitive skin on our faces so why not be nice extra nice to our precious lips?) and vaseline.
Now I've got some extra in case a ..baby.. or two want the spend the night... welcome to daycare Ritzy we even provide your kids with their very own toothbrush.
Anyway I tried it out and it didn't do much for me.
I tried to take a decent after picture but I'm one of those lovely persons who like to live in the dark and dim light so the picture didn't turn out as good as I hoped, but it will have to do. I did some editing to blur away a few blemishes I had.
About the ''treatment'' I didn't notice much of a difference. However, it's a great exfoliation, get that blood pumping and getting rid of all the dead skin. Especially since I have my vertical labret it tends to get really dry around the piercing but no I wouldn't say it helped. 
Here's my ''after'' picture 
If you look really close you can see the scar from my off side labret I had several years ago, it's so small it just looks like a tiny dimple.
I didn't take a before picture but I have an old picture of my lips in their natural state:  
I think my after picture looks a bit more ''swollen'' from the treatment and a lot jucier because of the vaseline. 
Here's another picture of my vertical labret. I really love my piercing and it's a huge part of me. 

Make your own mini bow


Barbie smoothie

I'm no fan of breakfast in general. When I wake up I just don't feel like eating or chewing. So liquid breakfast is the only way to go for me. (that really made me sound like an alcoholic didn't it?) ether way, smoothies are the best. I just recently started drinking them since I've started craving sweet drinks lately. I think it's my body going nuts since I cut down on sweets and sugar in general.
This smoothie's just vanilla yoghurt, some milk, raspberries and mango. I call it the Barbie.

Disney Marielle

Todays Disney portrait is Marielle! 
Make sure to check out her blog! :)
And here's the black and white version. It was a poor choice of color so I didn't notice until now how hard it is too se the actuall drawing.